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Keith had grief painted on his face and Zen just looked down, not making any eye contact. I couldn't believe it with my own eyes. My friend, Reko was lying there, quiet as a rose. A blood pool was underneath him and his eyes froze his expression, fear. I gulped, seeing my own friend lying there petrified was tragic. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't look over my shoulder to see who it was. I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Lance. His eyes were pinned at the dead body, I knew what he was feeling. Reko was close to him too, like me. "We better get out of here," was all Keith could say. No one bothered to say good-bye to Reko's body except for Lance and I. He closed Reko's eyes gently and I was behind him. A tear was rolling down my check and Lance turned towards me. "Don't cry kid," Lance faked smiled, "there's lot's of ways people can die like that,"

I didn't know what he meant, but he patted my back. I noticed some footprints on the dirt, so I crouched down and studied the footprints. The footprints look like animal feet, such as dog paw prints. "Do you see that J-ray?" Lance asked behind me. "Yeah," I replied, "seems to me that these footprints are paw prints."


Keith tried to climb over the mountain, but all of sudden, it would electrocute him. "What the..." Zen was quiet. Rachel darted Zen with a dirty look. "We can't get out, we're toast!" Steve exclaimed. "I bet were already toasted for good," Zen replied quietly. "There has got to be another way out...isn't there?" asked Rachel. The rest of us gave her a blank look and stayed quiet for a few minutes. "I guess we have to stay here for the night," said Keith, grabbing some kind of sharp object that was lying on the ground. "We can use this to defend ourselves," Keith showed us the sharp knife. "It's only for one person to use," Zen said with concern. "You don't have to point out the obvious anymore, okay?" Keith walked away with Zen and left us eight behind.


It was midnight and I could hear howls filling the ghostly environment. I quickly opened my eyes and saw a figure past by rapidly. Lance didn't notice because he was sleeping soundly. I got up slowly, not sure what I was going to be faced by and went over to Zen. He was wide-awake when I went over to him. "You see the same eh?" he asked, gazing at me. "Yeah, a black figure," I replied, staying close to Zen and it turned out Cathleen was right next to him.  Of course Zen darted me a dirty look, I guess for staring at Cathleen. I got up and heard Zen say something, "What the heck are you doin'?"

I completely ignored him and went over that black figure I saw. I'm always curious, so don't expect me to follow your commands. I heard footsteps behind me, I assumed Zen was following close behind. 

The full moon was shining garishly. Suddenly, something stopped me from running any further. I couldn't figure out where I was going, I felt like I was running in circles. There, I saw that figure again in the distant. I noticed that it was running towards me. I quickly turned around and ran. I heard this rapid breathing behind me and it sounded like a wolf. I couldn't stop to think due to that dreadful beast being close behind. I was losing my breath and this caused me to lose speed. Before I started to say my good-byes to earth, I didn't hear the huffing sound. I guess that beast might have lost his stamina, though, I turned around and saw Zen splattered with blood all over him. The beast was lying on the ground, lifeless. "Bloody Mary," was all Zen could get out of his mouth.

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