My substitute teacher and me chapter 8

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Okay so it has been AGESSS since I uploaded, and I apologise. I know it’s not really a good excuse but I have been sooo busy! 

Megan P.O.V 

On the ride home I felt stupid. I mean, I didn’t even know Daniel that well. I didn’t know his favourite colour, or his favourite food. Didn’t even know his middle name! How could I be jealous when I didn’t even really know him! Sighing I tightened my arms around his torso as he drove me home. I felt stupid, that was for sure. The fact that I felt a pull towards him was just weird. I had never liked someone before, I mean not like I liked Daniel. He was my teacher though and that was a no-no. I wandered how the school would take our friendship, I’m sure it wasn’t allowed, but by remembering Daniel was a sub made the matter reduced, I mean I had two years left and I was old enough to at least be his friend, Daniel wouldn’t be working at my school for much longer I tried telling myself and as he stopped in his driveway I plastered a fake smile on my face for his benefit. Slipping off the bike and handing over the helmet I shuffled nervously, waiting for him to take my bag out from under his seat.

“I had a good time Meg, want to come in for a cup of tea or something? “ His voice sounded smooth and I wanted to reach for him, but I didn’t

“Err...” I replied, wandering what to do

“Well your parents aren’t in because they are out and I don’t want you to be alone, so I told them I would ask you over for a cup of tea, I mean you can go home but I was going to cook tea so I thought...” He stopped and ran his hand through his hair, smiling sheepishly

“Come in and have dinner with me? I told your parents I would ask you over since they are out on a business trip” I had to focus on keeping my smile on my face. Of course he was only asking because he had told my parents he would babysit me for them. He wouldn’t actually want me over for company I reprimanded myself.

“Sure” I replied trying to sound happy.  

“Oh cool, well come on in then, sorry about the mess. Everything is still in boxes”

I smiled as we entered and looked around at the house I had entered last night. I could tell upon entering his kitchen that Daniel’s parents had brought over their own crockery last night because it was bare and piled high with box’s labelled as Kitchen.

“Still not unpacked then?” I asked lightly pushing myself up to sit on the counter.

“No, not really” Daniel chuckled, rummaging around in a box until he pulled out a kettle and then began searching for cups.

“How about we unpack the kitchen tonight?” I asked without thinking. I could feel my cheeks burning a bit when Daniel looked at me “I, It’s just, you won the game and I said I would help and you need your kitchen sorted...” I trailed of giving him a friendly smile whilst I pushed my fringe back a nervous trait I had.  

Daniel stared at me intently for a minute, his blue eyes penetrating once more into my eyes, just like they had last night. I was lost in his eyes until he coughed and turned away.

“That would be great thanks!” He replied. 

 We put on the radio and began to unpack his kitchen. We talked for ages about hobbies and friends, about our colde sack and what was on at the local mall such as movies and classes at the gym. It felt normal talking and laughing with Daniel, almost as if we had been doing it for ages. The ice cream girl disappeared from my thoughts and so did my sense of time. The kitchen was unpacked and everything was in cupboards, neatly packed away. The fridge was on and the washing machine was plugged in. Looking at the kitchen I noticed how big it looked. His table was in the front room, and it made the kitchen look a lot bigger. As Daniel was writing out his shopping list I found myself staring at the red tiles and dark oak counters and flooring. There was a plain wall and it just looked so dull. I tried to think of something that could be placed on the wall to make the room look bigger. Maybe a picture, or a clock, or a shelf full of cook books... A clock!!! I became excited, last Christmas; my aunt had given me a black, wiry steel clock that would look perfect on the wall I had been staring at. The fact that I didn’t use the clock because I had my own solved the solution.

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