Cracking the Code (AKA Using the Crowbar)

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"We are gonna break into my parent's safe." I start for the door, taking the rusted crowbar with me. I charge up the stairs, into my parents closet, and up the drop-down ladder into the attic. I hear Christina following me up into the small space filled with all sorts of things: old toys, pictures, and clothes in one corner; baseball equipment in another; trunks of old books in the last corner. Coming up here brings back so many memories. Me and my family were truly happy. I had a great bond with both of my parents, and the things in this attic is what we bonded over. Me and my dad would spend hours outside just playing a game of catch and talking. Mom and I read the same books (paranormal teen romance.... don't judge) and we spent hours talking about the best parts.

Don't cry. Crying is weak. Don't.

So I hold back the threatening tears and push forward through the dust and cobwebs to get to the safe. It is located in the farthest corner under a small window. The floor boards let out a menacing groan and Christina quickly grabs my hand. I pull her along behind me until we reach the safe. It's sitting under the little round window covered in dust and rust. I kneel down next to the safe. It looks so fragile because of all the rust and dents. I think about trying to crack the code.

.... Eh .... crowbars are more fun. Why not?

So I take the crowbar and pry the safe open. Christina quietly sits beside me like she doesn't know what to do.

"Wanna take out some of those papers for me?"

"Sure." she says. She starts shuffling the papers into a neater pile when she stops moving. Gosh, it seems like she stops breathing. Her already pale skin goes a whole shade whiter and she shakes her head.

"Christina, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Still not answering, she hands over the flimsy paper with shaking hands.

I read the paper quickly.


Then I read it again. And again. And another time after that.

Because what I'm reading can't be true.

"Christina, I'm going crazy, right? This can't be true!?!"

"Matt, birth certificates don't lie..." she says sadly.

"But...... no way it's true.. No way... I was adopted?"

While I'm still in shock, Christina reads over the birth certificate one more time.

"There's more, Matt."

What else could there possibly be?

"Your real last name is Oakley..."

Matthew Oakley.... that's gonna take some getting used to.....

"Matt?" Christina says, snapping me back into reality.


"Maria's last name was Oakley!" she blurts out really fast, like its one word.



"Wait...what?" I say again.

"Not only were you adopted, but Maria was your sister."

A/N: I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!! I am SO SO SO SO SORRY for being such a terrible writer and not updating in like forever... I sorta had a small writers block and didn't want my writing to be forced. but now im back!!!! so anyways OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!? Matt and Maria are siblings! Matt's adopted?!???? this is a lot to take in, I know, but atleast I finally updated! I pinkie promise to update as soon as I possibly can ;D please VOTE/COMMENT !!! every read means the world to me! (btw omg 508 reads?!?!??! u guys rock! :D)

You, my readers, have the power to make me smile so much!!!! love ya!!!! -marierosa13 **Isaiah 54:10**

As Long As I RememberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin