New to Hawk Orphanage

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"Matthew Hawk?"

Her stormy blue eyes searched my face with confusion. There were also tears in her eyes. I cleared my throat, "Um, Christina, I'm so sorry for your loss. You're only 12. This is so hard. I'm sorry. "

She gives me a dumbfounded look

That's when I pull her into a big bear hug. I feel her tears wet my shirt and hear her whisper a quiet "thanks".

Seeing her cry makes me want to cry. And so does the reason I came here.

I need to tell her. Now.



"You know my parents, right?"

At this she gave me a look

"Yes I know them! They own Hawk Orphanage. That's how I know your name."

I take a deep breath.

"They're dead. "

Her head snaps up to my face, and she looks me directly in the eyes. "Dead? I am so so sorry, Matt."

"Yes... Dead. It was a plane crash. And my parents left the orphanage to a big corporate company. And ..."

Her eyes were filling with tears the whole time I spoke.

"And what?"

I take a deep breath.

"I'm a new orphan at Hawk."

A look of utter shock and disbelief flashes in her eyes.

"Matt, I am so sorry. No 14 year old should have to go through this."

We stand in a comfortable, grieving silence. I mourn for my parents; she mourns for Maria. I open my arms and she walks right into them. We cry together until she pulls away, just a little bit.

"You should really stick by me at Hawk. It's not an easy place to adjust to, especially with no friends."

"I will."

I almost tell her that I want to stay with her. Wait, where did that come from?

A/N: wow okay. so matthew hawk, previous rich kid of the owners of Hawk Orphanage, now is forced to be an orphan due to his parents untimely death. that's an interesting plot twist. also, if you guys have any ideas who matthew and Christina should be, just leave a comment below. like I've said, every read and comment means the world to me.

love you guys!!!! -marierosa13 **Philippians 4:13**

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