text conversation : 51

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Tamaki was with Kyoya. They were planning their next attempt on Princess's treasure hunt.

"This is useless," muttered Kyoya, completely frustrated he can't get a single info about her name or family.

The past few days, he has gotten at least twelve viruses. Kyoya tried getting help from his family friends, but they weren't immune to the viruses.

"Don't give up, Kyoya-senpai," Haruhi says, placing his tea beside his laptop. Kyoya nods in acknowledgment and takes a sip.

"Come on, mon ami!" Tamaki wails. The twins watched their king cry and they sigh in unison.

"Eh, Kaoru?"

"Yeah, Hikaru?"

"What do you think of Tono's princess?" Hikaru asks him. Kaoru shrugs, but then replies, "I think she's very nice." Hikaru hummed in agree.

Kyoya quickly typed on his laptop, almost reaching his goal.





"Tamaki?" Kyoya calls out. Tamaki looks at him with puppy eyes. "I believe I've found her."

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