text conversation : 48

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Tamaki ignored her question. She sighed and started running further to the gates. She knew the two twins we on her trail. She hoped they didn't recognize their Mother's own work, because that would only cause trouble for the both of them.

"STOP IN THE NAME OF MILORD!" Twin #1 shouted. She ran faster, but she felt her feet starting to give out. Shit, she thought. She didn't want to get caught. She tripped and muttered a soft, "Shit."

She turned around and saw the twins beside her. "Milord wishes—"


Hikaru fell face-first towards the ground. Mariah circled around Kaoru. "Don't do this, princess. Milord wants to meet you." She shrugged. She didn't want to meet him like this.

"We're playing a game. Shame he invited strangers." Kaoru rolled his eyes and lunged at her. She swiftly moved left and ran straight towards the gate.

Damn, is this Cinderella Ouran Version, she wondered. She looked behind her and gasped. Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai were running towards her. She grabbed one of her heels and used them as shurikens. Honey dodged it and ran faster. She threw her last heel and it accidently hit Kaoru on the forehead.

"SORRY!" She yelled. She finally reached the end of the gate. She hid behind a tree and watched Mori and Honey frantically searching for her.

"She's not here," Mori says. "Eh, Tama-chan will be upset," Honey told him. Mori nods and places Honey on his back, returning to the party.

"Quite a chase you gave me there."

"Never knew you were a professional in Martial Arts."

"Does come in handy."

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