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author's note:

i thought the huse was a bit lonely with just the four of them in it so i though, why not bring some more trouble with it. i had to change this cahpter over eight times because i never really got the characters right, but now i know i do!   and with these new characters comes looming drama that will play out and grow over the next couple of chapters! hope you love them because i certianly do.

     enjoy and leave me a comment please! i'll fan you if you do ! 


it had been four days since her hospital visit. Keoin had trained her non stop from the moment she woke up till the moment she passed out from exhaustion for the past few days. He left the night before, to ' take care of something', so jay had the day off. Emery's hand was in a brace now, apparently the beast clan heals a lot faster than normal darkslayers. Chase stayed oblivious to what jay had done to emery on Keoin's request. This seemed to bother emery a little, but jay couldn't be happier. If chase ever looked at her the way emery did, she wouldn't want to get up in the morning. Chase had been helping jay train when she needed a partner, emery always said he'd help if it weren't for his brace. Jayla doubted that.

Jay had the whole castle figured out now, or close to it. This castle had six towers, three on the east and three on the west. At the top of each tower was a bedroom that had been home to the elders who watched over the town a long time ago. The main rooms in the castle were the ballroom that she was currently in; the court room which took up a great amount of space on the east side of the castle; the greenhouse on the west side near the top floor; the floors from four and up were hardly used because it was mainly guest rooms, science labs, and the old infirmary; the training centre was like an oversized school gym with much more threatening equipment; the library, than below that was the underground cemetery for my clan and below that was the unused dungeons. Of course there’s about fifty smaller rooms that hold strange things, but most are locked from Keoin.

The sun was slowly creeping toward the horizon, casting long shadow that streaked the land. Jayla watched from the third story window as Chase and emery were battling outside, something they did often on their free time. They were both completely transformed into their animals now. Chase was a wolf with a sandy brown coat and those familiar , sea-green eyes. He was twice the size of a normal wolf and had long, pointed nails like many daggers. Even though he was big, he moved with grace and swiftness.

Emery's tiger was large as well. The tigers coat was black like his own hair, with silver stripes. His yellow cat eyes glowed against his glossy black fur. They fought with such force and enthusiasm, you would have thought they were life long rivals instead of brothers.

Both of the boys had come to a halt and flung their heads toward the house at the same time that Jayla heard the grand doors open. It was surprising how much Jayla's hearing had improved since she transformed. It also made her feel sick because she knew there reason for her sharp hearing. Jayla had avoided the hall that she wandered down what felt like years ago, she never wanted to see it again. She got the feeling that if she were to walk by it she would be compelled to enter the room. There was something that drew jay there, one night she woke up to find herself sleep walking down the corridor. She'd been close enough to see the strange blue, pulsating, light that outlined the door. The light was so dim that she wouldn't have noticed it, had she not been looking for it. She pushed the thought to the depths of her mind and focused on walking to the front hall.

The halls in this mansion were like spider webs with small stairs here and there to connect the levels. She took to the path that she knew by heart, it was like the central string that all the other webs branched off of. Jayla decided to take a detour, she walked down a different corridor and up a flight of stairs bring her to the fifth story floor. Doors taller than her sunk into the chipped concrete walls. Jay opened the doors and inside was her favourite room. The room looked like and oversize ballroom where she pictured beautifully gowned women dancing in circles with their handsome suitors. One wall was panelled with wide windows that let the light spill into the room The floors and walls sparkled in the shinning sun, reflecting spots of light on her skin and glancing off of the little dust moats in the air. In the middle of the room was a long pond with Chinese fish inhabiting it and Lilly pads perched on the surface.

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