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Jayla felt warm, like some one had put her in an oven. Rich perfumed scents filled the air around her and she could almost taste the sweetness on her tongue. Her eyes cracked open into slits, All she could see was a bright halo of light surrounding a dark shadow it looked like a solar eclipse. She felt happy and peaceful, like she was floating. She wonder momentarily if she had died, but there was a dull ache in her body she knew she wouldn't feel if this were in fact, in heaven. A dark mass blocked out the warm light that had been pouring onto her skin. The dark figure glided towards her, there was a fast paced pattering sound that was muffled by something thick.

A pair of strong hands grabbed the tops of jays shoulders, and before jay could react she was being roughly shaken. Her head lolled back and forth, bouncing of her shoulders and her eyes rolled in her head. Slowly the feeling of floating went away as she regained the sense of being in control of her body and found she was aware of a

Chase stood over her, his face creased with worry. He was starring at her in astonishment and saying something she could not make sense of, his voice seemed to be coming to her from a long tunnel. Her mind was to concentrated on the girl in the crystal ball she had just met. Last thing jay could remember was being hit hard as she tried to run away from the glowing girl.

Jay gasped and sat upright. Her forehead colliding with chase's chin.

“ OUCH! Jesus jay, what's wrong with you?”

“where is she?” jay asked scarred.


“ the girl ...” jay let her sentence hang in the air. Maybe she shouldn't tell Chase about her, definitely not until she has her a bigger picture of what's going on here.

“what? I just found you lying on this bench with your eyes open and starring. You freaked me out jay, i though you were dead or something.”hmm, and I though I was looking through slits, jay thought.

“ how long have I been here?”

“ I don't know. I was looking for you all over the place, emery said you left your room and went exploring.” chase was looking at jay like she was crazy or something. Jay couldn't blame him, the situation did seem a bit strange.

“oh, I did. I must have fallen asleep here.” jay decided a simple lie should do it. “ sorry I sometimes sleep with my eyes open. Bad habit I guess.”

“ that's weird- you should do something about that.” chase cracked a half smile. Jay tried to laugh too, but it came out as more of a hysterical cackle instead.

“ nice place” jay blurted out to change the topic. She looked around and realized that it was actually a beautiful place. They seemed to be in a greenhouse, but it was more like a backyard with a glass dome covering it. There were beautiful plants all bright colours and there was a patio which had a couch, chairs, and a large glass table. A pond was nestled into the vegetation. a fountain, that sprayed water eight feet into the air, was surrounded by a lily pad filled lagoon, stairs from the patio being the only way to reach it. High above there was a balcony that over looked the entire garden area, which was the size of a little bungalow house. Below the balcony was a open space with brown padded floors. She could see from the window that they were on the fourth floor and outside, thick forests and mountain’s stood just a little way off in the distance.

Jay got up from the bench and strolled down a set of stairs , passing large wooden doors with intricate carvings on them, jay wondered if those where the doors she use to enter this place. She followed a thin pebble path, the plants grew taller the further she wondered. The soft crunch of gravel being the only sound in the room, yet it did not come from her own soundless footsteps. Apparently chase felt the need to follow, but in honesty, jay didn't mind at all. At the end of the trail lay a swinging seat that faced the windows. The cushions where beige and overstuffed, perfect for spending long afternoon's on. Chase sat down, pulling jay by the hand with him. chase closed his eyes , enjoying the feel of sun on his face.

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