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Emery, jay and Keoin stood on the padded floor of the greenhouse. Emery had a tired expression and stood relaxed with his hands in his pockets like he was just waiting in line at a books store. Jayla guessed that he would actually be glad to stand in the longest line on the face of Andorra than help her train.

“ today we are focusing on your hand eye coordination, jay.” Keoin said, laying his hand across my shoulder. I was a bit to tense. “ Emery I want you to throw punches wildly and at random. Jayla I want you to try and predict his punches and block them. If you can't, try and dodge them at least and Emery's going to try to get both of your hands pinned behind your back.” Keoin had moved in a split second, just a blur in the corner of her eye. Than he was holding her hands behind her back, twisting them upward painfully. “ Don't let him. Alright.” Keoin said for her ears only, than jumped to the edge of the mat.

“ GO!” Emery took his hands out of his pockets and lowered into a predatory crouch. He looked so lethal like this. Jay doubted that even a brick wall could stop him from killing her. Emery pupils widened to almost perfect circles instead of the usual slits, jay could see her stunned looking expression in the dark reflection. emery leaped forward, throwing one punch for jay's face. Jay threw her arms out in front of her face, knocking his punch away but receiving an elbow to the eye. Her own elbow.

Emery swung back around, a smile playing along his lips and swimming in his eyes. He was getting to much enjoyment out of this. Emery came at her throwing two punches. Jay barley managed to block those from delivering fatal blows and she was already out of breath.

If jay had thought that emery would not actually purposely try to cause devastating damage, she was sadly mistaken. They went on for a three minutes before emery had jumped around her with a swiftness, jay thought he wasn't incapable of, and had both her hands pinned by one of his, slamming her face into the mat's. He let go on his hold and they started again without a word or even a small break. Emery swung a kick at her and she took the full blow of it in her stomach. Jay fell to the floor, gasping for air, but getting no relief. The wind was knocked out of her and she felt like on of her lungs must have collapsed.

“do you want me to go easier on you?” emery asked kindly but in a way that was jay felt was mocking her inner-manliness.

“ no. I got. To learn. Sometime. Don't I?” she gasped, trying to keep hold of her pride. Climbing to her feet she regained her balance and readied herself.

“again!” Keoin called from the sofa in celebration of her determination. Just like a proud dad might. Jay was clumsily blocking blow after blow, but than she started to focus and she could see the movements and stop them perfectly. Emery and jay fought for what felt like four hours. Both of them were panting and more than a little worn out. Jay had cuts and bruises everywhere, yet emery had nothing other than scratches on his knuckles. Now, Jay could last thirty- seven minutes before emery thought up a new way to distract her long enough to get her hands.

“ your a very good fighter considering you've never been taught before.” emery heaved, willing his lungs to drag in more air, making his words into a satisfying sound of defeat. The feeling of triumph only lasted for a minute.

jay's stomach turned and she felt like if she had the strength to throw up, she would. The only reason she was a good fighter was because her brother had made her that way.

“Keoin, maybe we should stop. Jayla looks a bit sick.” emery looked concerned for her. Maybe now that they fought, emery had taken a liking to her.

“ I’m fine” she breathed and straightened up out of her kneeling position.

“ if you say so” Keoin said, but emery still looked worried. “ Jayla, i want you to throw punches and kicks at emery while dodging his. Whoever gets the others arms pinned wins the match. Only one hour of this than you both can take a break.” Keoin sat back down on the couch, putting his feet up. “ begin”

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