Chapter 2

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Here is our military hot guy. Lol - He is ah-maz-ing-ly dreamy. I must admit not as cute as Zach.

"Did you see the hot military guy?" Bethany gossips as we wait in the lunch line.

"We'll duh! He is like the hottest topic on the girls bathroom wall. Tiff already called dibs." Carla sneers.

"I feel bad for losers like Raegan. The guys will never go for people like her!" She whispers.

"Maybe she will find a hog!" Bethany laughs. The crack up and sound Like dying hyenas.

I grab a plate and get a slice of pizza with pineapples. I grab a energy drink with some cookies and check out.

"$5.24 " the lunch lady mumbles. I throw a 6 dollars at her and walk to my table by the doors. I always sit alone. I sit down and take a huge bite of pizza and open my drink.

I notice a presence of another person and I ignore them hoping they will go away and not ruin there reputation.

"Mind if I sit her, Raegan?" The voice ask. I mentally groan.

"Sure, you want to ruin your reputation." I say sarcastically.

"I will take that risk." He smirks and takes a huge bite of pizza.

"Yes. You will regret this later." I smile. I hear the click of heels and I frown. Tiffany taps his shoulder.

"Will? Bae, come sit with the popular group not the outsider table." She says slightly pouting. He looks at me and I nod. He gets up with his trey and leaves. There goes my first real friend that's a boy.

I stand up and throw my trash away. I walk out as I get evil glares. The bell rings. Oh Joy! Seventh period. The only one without Tiff!


I walk up the steps to my run down apartment. I open the door.

"Mom!!!! Reagan's home! Can I tell her mama?" Deb says as I set Reba down.

"Sure!" My mom says in her singsong voice. She only does that when they feel neglected.

"Sister! We're moving! To a house! Mama found a boyfriend to live with!" She squeals. A new house? With food? Luxury?

"Are. You. For. Real?" I ask her.

"Am I 14?" She laughs.

"Ain't I 16?" I laugh.

"Well, we already started to pack. So go get it started." I mentally groan. No, I am not bipolar. I just hate packing. Last time i packed up my room was when my dad died...... I hold back the tears.

Talking about my dad is a no-no topic for mom and I. My siblings don't understand cause they don't even know there own father. I sigh as I start taking clothes out of my closet.


"What?! Is dad not important to you anymore!!! Why would you do this! I love him more then you do!" I scream. Mom steps back horrified then regains her posture and scowls.

"What a lie! I knew more about him then you ever did! I still love him, but haven't you heard of moving on! Of course you had isn't that what your doing now? Especially after Zachary!" She screams. My eyes see blurs of red and my fist tighten.

"Don't ever say that name again!" I hiss," moving on? Ha! Mom that doesn't mean you can have a new boyfriend every month! I mean half of my half-siblings don't even know there father!"

She is shaking in anger.

"At least I don't give my children up for adoption like you!" She says pointing a polished nail at me. I gasp taking steps back.

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