Chapter 1

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Here is Raegan! Ryan Newman is like 16. Ya. SO she looks younger then that but she is 16. Justa saying. Ok.....

"Raegan! Get up!" My mom screeches. I roll my eyes.

"I am!" I scream. My door slams open and my little brother comes and slaps me on the leg.

"Shut up!" I scream and pull him by the ear out of the room. I slam my door in his face and lock it. I get my skinny on and my crop top on. I was putting on the keds on when a high pitched wail came. I look toward my sisters crib and pick her up. I cradle her and Rock her back and forth.

I get her changed and grab the emergence bottle and stick it into her mouth. I grab my 15 lb. book bag. I buckle her up into her seatbelt. I open the door and see my mom glaring at me. I push her aside and I grab a piece of my toast. I unlock the door and go down the stair case and get into my car. Or my dads old car. It is nice though. I out her into the back.

I arrive at the daycare and open the door. The worker smiles and takes Reba.

"See you this afternoon Raegan!" She calls out. I wave and now my way to the trash called school.

I pull into a parking spot. I walk inside and ignore the glares and the yelling insults. I sit go to my classroom and sigh.

The intercom comes on.

'All students please report to the auditorium. '

Everybody cheers that we can skip 1st period.

I grab my back pack. I stand up. I walk by myself.

"Hey, loser!" Tiff screeches at me. She used to be my best friend and then she told everyone I made her be friends with me and I would threaten her. If you have not figured it out this is For you so not intelligent people, I didn't do that.

"What do you want, cake face?" I snap.

"Cake face? So cliche! Come up with anything better?" She says. I roll my eyes and push her aside.

"What's the matter? Upset this is the day your father died Rae Rae?"

I instantly stop and clench my fist. I grit my teeth.

"What's wrong cat got your tongue?" She smirks.

I turn towards her.

"Don't call me that."

"Call you what? Rae Rae? " she laughs then looks at Marg and Terri, "come on girls lets go claim the seat next to Brady." She laughs and walks off.

How could I forget? This was the day the twin towers fell. I open the doors to the auditorium and sit down. The teacher walks Ina nod starts saying what happened that day. I ignore her til they say something.

"We would like to recognize some people who have died in the twin towers, including one of our students dad here. "

I gasp.

"Luke Surfy. Or none as Luke Sue. " she says. Nobody claps its only her.

Everybody turns and looks at me. My last name is Sue. They go quiet and start to whisper. I Stand up and grab my book bag and walk out. I sling the door open and walk towards the girls bathroom. I bump into something warm. I look up and glance back down. The stranger chuckles.

"Sorry, Miss, are you ok?" He says. I blush and look up. He has blue eyes and brown buzz cut hair. Hi outfit suggest he is in the military.

"Um...," I stumble over words,"sorry....well thanks."

I try to walk past him.

"Hold on, miss, what's your name?" He calls out.

"Raegan. Yours?" I say more confident.

"Joseph William Marts. Call me Will. " he smiles a me.

"Will, I got to go." I say sniffing.

"Hope to see you again." He says in his country accent. I quickly scatter off. I lock myself in the stall, all my tears dried off. The bell rings, indicating second period.

I hold my stuff and walk to Earth Science. I open the door and sit down in my assigned seat.

Tiffany and walks in with her terrible friends and smirks my way. She has blonde crimped hair and blue eyes. She is perfect in every way. I told her everything. I remember when we first met.


"Hi." I grumble at the new bouncy blonde. I have to show her around. She will easily fit with the in crowd.

"Hey! My name is Tiffany" she smiles. I fake a smile.

"Raegan." I grumble. She continues to smile.

I look at her schedule and realize we have 5 classes together. We head to first period.

"We'll this is your first class. So you can sit by me." She squeals.

"I can tell we're gonna be friends for, like, forever!" She screams. I wince at the word forever.

•end of flashback•

The teacher walks in and smiles at us. He is 45 years old.

"Hello class, today we have a new student. Lets have him introduce himself." He says and sits down.

I hear the murmurs of girls wondering if he is cute or ugly. Tiffany is looking smug. She fixes her top and puts lip gloss on while Marg fixes her hair.

I hear the click of his army boots and he walks to the front. The girls eye him and he catches my eyes and winks. A girl beside me turns to glare at me.

"My name is Joseph. Just call me Will though. As you can tell I'm in the army. Third year in fact. I hope to make friends. Any questions." He says smirking. Marg raises her hand. He looks at her and nods.

"Are you single?" She says smiling.

He looks away and rolls his eyes.

"Yes. Anymore?" He sighs. Ashlyn smiles while raising her hand.

"Have you killed a person before? You must have." She says. I roll my eyes. High schoolers are a annoying these days.

'Your one, dumb butt!' The voice in my head says.

"Yes." He answers.

"Then your probably a murderer. You know cause' ya killed people!" She says. The girl beside her, Valerie, hits her arm.

"Shut up, Ash! Let the cute boy talk." She smirks then gazes at Will.

"Do you wanna go out?" Darla ask.

"Umm..." He says.

"No me!" Sarah squeals.

"Shut up! He is mine!" Amberley screams.

"Shut up you frickin' hogs. We all know who claims the new boys or boy if they are hot. Otherwise your life will be ruined." Marg states. All the girls hush and Tiffany laughs. The teacher walks in.

"Joseph. Will you please sit behind Miss Raegan." The teacher says. I sink down into my seat and frown. He smiles wide an winks at me. I roll my eyes as he takes a seat.

This is gonna be a long hour.

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