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Author's Note:
This is the prologue of my new story, Dating Rumors! I'm so excited to share this with everyone because I put a lot of thought into this. This is also my first story, so if you see any major mistakes, just bare with me! I'm new to this! Anyway, the prologue is just going to be an interview with Vivian on the TODAY Show to explain her career! By the way, Vivian is practically faceless, so feel free to imagine her as yourself. Enjoy!

"Today, everyone, we are here with the gorgeous twenty year old, model, trendsetter, and social media star, Vivian Faye." Today's Hoda Kotb introduced me, as I sat right across from her and Kathie Lee Gifford on the set.

"She is an influence to her fans all around the world, and she recently just signed to be one of the new faces of Armani." Kathie added as she spoke to the camera.

Hoda and Kathie shifted their eyes to me, and gave a warming smile. "Vivian, we just wanted to congratulate you on that, because that is just absolutely huge, isn't it?" Hoda asked, as she held her cue card in her lap.

I nervously tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and began to speak. "Yeah, definitely, especially since Armani's such a prestigious brand. If you would have went back in time and told my ten year old self that I would be working with such a high end brand, I would've never believed you." I giggled. I could tell my voice shook while I spoke. I was never really good at interviews, especially live ones.

"So what made you want to model? Do you have any inspirations?" Kathie asked.

I crossed my legs and shifted in the chair and thought about it. "Ever since I was a little girl, I was just so intrigued with super models. I always thought they were so beautiful and angelic, and they were more like super heroes, than they were models to me." I joked. "Being a model has always been a dream of mine."

"We see that you're such a hard working woman, you know, with all the runways and traveling you have to do. With you being so young, is it hard to live such a business packed life, or do you kind of just deal with it?" Hoda wondered.

I crossed my fingers together and set them in my lap. "Well, I wouldn't say that I just deal with it. I'm doing what I love, and that's all that matters." I smiled.

"What about your love life, that's what we're really wondering about!" Kathie laughed, and playfully nudged Hoda.

"Yeah, yeah, do you ever have time to date? We've seen you out and about with Justin Bieber, is there anything going on with you two?" Hoda asked, genuinely curious.

I tried so hard not to roll my eyes when I heard Justin's name being mentioned.

"As of right now, I'm just really focusing on myself and my career. Like you said, since I have such a business packed life, I really don't quite have the time to date around or anything."

"So nothing's going on with you and the Biebs?" Kathie asked again.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "No ma'am. We're just good friends."

"Alright, if you say so!" Hoda laughed, as she shifted herself back to looking at the camera. "Well, that's all the time we have for Vivian, but thank you so much for coming out and talking to us. In our next segment, we're going to be cooking with Sam the Cooking Guy, and he's going to give us a great recipe for you and your family, right after this."

"And we're clear." The camera guy announced.

I got up from my seat and thanked Hoda and Kathie for having me, and walked off set to meet up with my manager, Rowen.

I took a deep breath as she took off the small mic that was hooked onto the collar of my shirt. "It was so obvious that I was anxious." I whined.

"Oh stop it, Vivian. You did great." She assured me. She wrapped the mic up, and tossed it to one of the guys that worked on set, and lead me out to where we were leaving to in a fast pace. "Your answers were very clear, and you spoke very maturely. There's nothing to be worried about."

A few guys opened the back door of the Today Show building for us, where our ride was parked. The air was very chilly in New York, so we rushed to get into the warm vehicle.

I sat in the back seat of the car, while Rowen sat up front. "I thought you told them not to ask anything about Justin?"

"Honey, I tried, I really did." Rowen said, as her face was stuck into her blackberry, which was her business phone. "Just stop being seen with him, and we won't have this problem."

I slumped in my seat and sighed. It wasn't that easy. Since Justin and I had the same friends, same connections, and we were both well known, it was hard not to come his way.

I texted him.

Vivian: Once again, your name is mentioned in one of MY interviews! UGH. Lol.

Justin: So I saw lol...sorry.

Vivian: You were watching???

Justin: Of course...I had to see what you were going to say about me. Good friends, eh? ;) lol

I rolled my eyes and laughed and tapped my thumbs across the screen. I was surprised he wasn't even up this early to see the interview.

Vivian: Lol yes! Just good friends...I should've just said I hated you.

I locked my phone, and leaned my head against the window and watched as we drove by all the screaming fans. I smiled and tried to wave to them, but they couldn't see me through the tinted windows that I had.

Justin: U know u love me

I looked down at the text and smirked. Justin sure was confident, but I didn't love him. I decided not to text back and feed into his flirtatious ways. If I did, then my career really would just revolve around him. That was the last thing I wanted. I worked hard for this modeling job, and I wanted to it to be strictly just about modeling. Not about who I was seeing or dating.

Dating Rumors | Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now