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Katelyn POV
Why do I still love him? After what he'd done to me. What if he didn't do it on purpose? It had been two weeks since the incident. And I haven't seen him. Actually no one has seen him. Well, we all know he's on his room, but he hasn't come out once. Not even for food. I know he has food in his room, but how long could it last him? I know Lucinda must have used a potion on him. It still bugs me that he lost his virginity to her and not me. Which sounds selfish and a very VERY weird thing to be mad about. But, I love him. I need him. I pretend I'm happy so people won't ask. But, I'm dying inside. I've been having the same damn nightmare for two weeks. The blood, Travis's blood. But now, I don't have Travis. I don't know if he's ok. Im scared and worried. I need to see him. I put on some warm clothes and walked over to his house. I knocked on the door and Laurence answered.
"Hey Katelyn! What's up?"
"I need to see Travis."
He lost his smile.
"Good luck."
He let me in and I rushed downstairs and knocked on his door. No response. I heard the back door slid open upstairs. They must've left knowing I would want some privacy. I knock again louder this time.
"Travis! It's me. Katelyn."
I hear a gasp. Good, he's alive.
"We need to talk."
I hear him get up and walk to the door. I thought  he was gonna open it but he leans against it. I try to open anyway.
"Travis! Open up!"
He spoke. His voice sounded different.
"Travis, open!"
"You wouldn't want to see me. Not after what I've done to myself!"
"Travis, I came to forgive you for that. I know Lucinda must've done something to you."
"It's not that..."
The door pushes toward his room, implying that he stepped away from it.
"Travis, now you have to unlock the door."
It was silent. He finally unlocked the door. I opened it as soon as he unlocked it. He was standing there. He didnt look very different. He looked shaky. And he kept itching his arm where there were a number of scars. His eyes also seemed less bright then they used to. I looked around d his room and saw syringes. Shaking, itching, scars, syringes it all made sense now.
"Are you doing drugs?"

Travlyn, the lovely coupleWhere stories live. Discover now