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   Finally, I did in fact get rid of all those hand sanitizers. Her mom was able to sneak them all back into her room after I have them to her. She was surprised that McKenzie had so many.

   McKenzie favorite sports team would be the Huskies. Mine is the Boise State Broncos. When the two played against each other, McKenzie insisted that the Huskies would win. I just laughed at her and said that was unlikely. I was proven wrong -.- The game sucked and I think the total was 6 to 24.

   Around that time, McKenzie has been patting the back almost every time she sees me or every time we sit next to each other. The thing is, she does it hard and it's really annoying. I rather not have anybody physically touch me at all. I know many people who are like that, and I know a lot others who like having physical touch with others. I know in sports they do that, in close relationships between some people, and other things, but randomly touching someone for no neccasary reason is unneccasary to me. Some people don't seem to get that.

   I used to thing that McKenzie didn't have much friends, but it turns out she does. Meeting them makes me feel better about the fact that she isn't always alone. After she went to a new school, I got a bit worried for her. I then relized she was fine and already had a bunch of friends.

   McKenzie has amazing memory so she is able to remember so many names of people she knew. Including their last names. I wish I couold do that.

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