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"Did you hear?! There's a new student in our class today!" Ayumi practically shouted at us. Gee. No need to shout at us like that. Especially when we're right next to each other!

"Really?!" Genta excitedly asked.

"Yeah! That was what Kobayashi-sensei said in the lounge!"

"Last time it was Conan!" Mitsuhiko joined them.

"I wonder what he's like?!" Ayumi pondered.

"I hope she's a cute girl.." Genta literally drooled. Seriously. Kids these days.

"No, no! Personality comes first." Hmm. Playing the good kid act here, huh?

"What do you think, Conan?" Ayumi suddenly asked.

"Huh?" I frowned. Don't just suddenly drag me in the conversation, you know!

"Well, he could be the boring, nerdy type." Like me. But I still like to think that I'm good company, though!

"Or he could be a cold, sarcastic, smart fella who I can relate to a lot." I added. I just kinda described someone who I'd probably really get along with. Not like this will really come true, anyways.

"Ayumi, didn't you see the kid in the lobby?" Hmm. Good question there. I'm quite interested myself.

"No. But I heard the name."

"I heard it's Haibara Ai."

"Haibara?" Genta asked.

"Yeah! Hai from 'gray' and hara from harrapa's 'hara'!" That's a rather unique name.

"That's a unique name." Mitsuhiko suddenly said. I know, right?

"But I guess it's better than Conan!" I gave him my 'oi-oi' look. Spare me.

"Oh! She's here, she's here!" Genta excitedly said as soon as he saw the shadow of our teacher on the door.

As soon as they entered, everyone was in awe. She had a unique hair color and from her face, I can tell she's half-japanese. Probably a mix of American and Japanese. Well, yeah. She's cute. But I ain't some kind of pedophile to have a crush on her or something. But man, Genta and Mitsuhiko is already gawking at her.

"Haibara Ai-san will be learning with us starting today! Everyone, be friendly, okay?"

"Haibara-san's seat will be..." The teacher trailed off.

"Sensei! Here, here! Right next to me-" However, he was cut off by Haibara as she started walking to a vacant seat near... me? Scratch that. She sat right next to me!


"Nice to meet you." She greeted me without even looking at me. Where's your manners, little girl?

"Ah.. yeah."

"What's with all her stuck-up attidude?" Genta scoffed.

"Cool type isn't she?" Mitsuhiko said while still looking at her. Judging from the look he's giving her, I can deduce that he's in love with the girl. Immediately? Man, talk about impatient. This is what they would call 'love at first sight' ain't it? And here I thought he likes Ayumi.

"Stop it. Maybe she's just nervous." Ayumi hushed the two boys. Nervous? I can't even sense a hint of nervousness coming from her! More like a don't-talk-to-me vibe. 

"We're only sitting a few seats away from you guys, you know." I rolled my eyes. Gee.

"Alright, everybody! Let's start the lesson!" Our teacher made us all turn our attention back to her.

Unrequited Love? ABANDONEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon