So. Many. Conversations.

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I am constantly socially engaged. Because if even if I'm alone...

I'm still thinking of all the conversations that I want to have, plan to have, am too afraid to have, or want to avoid having.

The chatter in my head never ends. To a degree I like this because it allows me to play out potential scenarios and helps me to think about how I want to word something. I don't like it to a degree because it can easily emotionally expend me if it's a hypothetical conversation that's stressful.

This is another reason why I'm sometimes very quiet even when I'm around people. Because the hypothetical conversations are still going on in my head.

Sometimes it's rants I wish I could say to stupid people.

Sometimes it's a barrage of questions that I want answered but am not sure how to go about it.

Sometimes it's just how I'm going to introduce myself to the next social experiment, er... I mean person, that I come across.

What kind of hypothetical conversations do you have in your head?

ENFP KaboomeryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ