Good Day Bad Time

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this is a poem that you will get later in the story

And the video is also later on 

(Aaron's pov)

I laughed as Jerome was holding (Y/n) and talking to her about videos and things like that. But that smile soon went away when I saw Laurance and Chloe walked up. I growled at them. I knew Jerome heard me because him and Mitch quickly started to protect (Y/n). What could they possible want. I so don't want to deal with this today. I waited for them to start talking so I could tell them to leave us alone but all they did was stare at us. "What do you guys want?" "Oh we just wanted to talk is all." "Well we don't want to talk so just leave us alone, because we don't want anything to do with you." "Oh Aaron that hurts don't you care about me any more?" Chloe said. "NO AN I NEVER DID NOW GO BEFORE I LOSE MY TEMPER!" I yelled getting everyone in the classes attention even the teachers. I sighed as she backed away along with Laurance and left the room. I started to breath heavily and sighed to calm myself down. I looked over to (Y/n) to see her looking at me with concern. "I am ok (y/n) no need to worry." She just nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed her hand. me, Jerome and Mitch chuckled at her blush. "So now what ?" "Now to the next class." I smiled as Jerome held (y/n) while him an Mitch were talking to her about the videos and stuff they are going to do latter. Soon we made it to the art class and took our seats and waited for the others to join us. "So what are you doing to be drawing today (Y/n)?" I asked while watching her sketch something out. She just shrugged an kept doodling. "Hey (Y/n) when you get done with your videos later do you want to hangout with me today?" She smiled an nodded at me. I smiled back and kissed her cheek.

((Y/n)'s POV)

I smiled as Aaron kissed my cheek. I guess things are getting better for me. I can feel so much love coming from my friends. "So when I get done recording what are we going to do?" I asked while looking at my paper. "Oh nothing but the same thing we did yesterday or would you like to do something different?" I shook my head. "No that will be fine. Hey maybe your brother and his girlfriend can join us and it could be a double date but only us four." I smiled an looked at Aaron. "Ok then I will text him to ask him." I blushed as he nuzzled my face and whispered sweet words again. He sure knows how to make me happy when I am down. I smiled and kissed him on his lips,while making myself giggle at his blush. He looked at me with a smirk and kissed my cheek. I giggled again an went back to my drawing. So now I need to think of something to draw. I sighed as I tried to think of something to draw. I smiled as I drew me and Leo playing in a field. I smiled even more as I heard him walking up. "Hey bro." "Hey Fluff, I see you two are happy again." I nodded as I kept drawing. "So what are you drawing there Fluff?" "Oh just us playing in that field like we used to when we were younger." I said as I added my ears an tail to the picture. "Oh really?" I nodded and finished the picture and put it in a folder to keep it from messing up while it was in my bookbag. I pulled out another piece of paper and started to draw everyone and made them happy looking and playing around like they normally do. I am really glad that my friends aren't mad at me for drinking that potion. I am even more glad that Aaron's not mad at me for that, an even still loves me. I smiled as I finished working on the picture. I yawn as I got a bit sleepy. "Are you getting sleepy Fluff?" I nodded and smiled as Aaron pulled me into his lap and laid my head into his chest. "Take a nap (y/n)" I nodded and soon fell asleep.

~~Later (You slept through the whole school day)~~

((y/n)'s POV)

I yawned as I woke up to find myself in the crafted house. I also saw everyone staring at me. I smiled an waved at everyone. "Hey (Y/n) did you have a good nap?" I nodded as I set up and stretched. "You ready to play?" I nodded and walked to one of the computers and logged in and waited for Mitch and Jerome to join. I waited for Jerome and Mitch to do their intro and to introduce me. "An we have here with us today is our cute and adorable friend (y/n)!" I smiled as I waved to the camera. "Well (y/n) say something." "Man I just woke up an you want me to say something?" I said while yawning. "She is right G." "Don't care an on to the game. Today guys we are playing who's your daddy. BUT this time with two parents an one is going to be the mom or it is going to be two daddies." "That's right biggums so shall we see who will be the baby?" "An SHOOT!" I laughed as I won the game so I get to be the baby first. "HA!" I smiled as I waited for the game to start.

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