Next hour or day

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~After the call ended~

(Aaron's POV)

We were sad that (y/n) did want to hang out with us but it's ok at least she said she would hang out next time but oh well. I looked all around to see everyone kinda sad but at least they had a small smile on their face. "Hey guys maybe if we introduce her to the viewers before hand an tell them how cool she is maybe they will be nicer to her when they actually meet her." I said with a smile. "THAT IS THE BEST IDEA EVER AARON!!!!" Everyone screamed I jumped at how loud they were. Every one ran to their computers an started a group chat and started to record and started to tell the viewers about (y/n). I just sat down and waited until my phone went off I looked to see that (y/n) had texted me. "Hey um Aaron do you guys want to still handout?" "Yeah we still want to hangout." "Oh um really?" "Yeah we would love to hang out with you it will be fun and we could get to know you better as friends." I smiled as she sent a little happy face back. "Hey Um guys?" I said as I interrupted their recording. "WHAT?!" I only smiled at how surprised they would be. "Um I got a text from (y/n) and she asked-" Before I could finish everyone ran to me and huddled for me to finish. "Um she asked if we wanted to still hang out and I told her yeah and that we want to get to know her better and that we aren't mad at her." "YEAH YOU HEAR THAT SKY ARMY WE CAN STILL HANG OUT WITH (Y/N)!!!" "Wait you had your recording still going?" "Yeah." I looked at Sky like he was stupid but then I just laughed. "So should I text her to come over?" I asked sarcastically. "YES AARON!" They all yelled at once and made me fall over. "OW guys I was going to text her anyway you didn't have to yell." "Sorry Aaron." "It's ok." I said as I started texting her. "Hey (y/n) do you want to hang out now?" "Um I don't know Aaron." "Please (y/n) if you don't Sky will be sad." "Um............ Ok I guess." "YEAH! I will text you the address." I sent her the address and waited for a reply. "Ok guys she is coming over." "YEAH!" I looked over to see Sky and Jerome giving each other high fives.

~An Hour later~

((Y/N) POV)

I sighed as I walked up the steps to what was called the "Team Crafted House" I guess this is the place I am to meet the guys? I hope this isn't a random stranger's house. Ok now to ring the doorbell. Now to wait for someone to answer the door. I waited until I heard footsteps running to the door. I hope that is Sky and not a random stranger. "(Y/N) YOU MADE IT I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU HERE!" He screamed as he gave me a bear hug. I just laughed as he jumped up and down in joy. I only sighed as he dragged me into the house and to the game room. As we walked in I saw everyone looking and smiling at us. "(Y/N)! YOU ACTUALLY CAME NOW WILL YOU RECORD WITH US?!" I covered my ears as Mitch and Jerome screamed. "Guys I don't know if I will or not I don't even know if I am going to be staying here that long, I only came cause I didn't want to make Sky sad." I saw Jerome and Sub giving me their best puppy eyes they could. "Ugh! Fine I guess I will record only ONE episode." I sighed as Mitch and Jerome moved me to one of the recording tables and set me up to a minecraft account. "Ok (y/n) we will introduce and then you tell the people who you are and what we are going to do." Jerome said as he winked. I was confused at first until I remember his idea with Mitch's house. I sighed as I heard Mitch start his intro. "Hey guys now I would normally start this video with my normal intro but this one is going to be different because we got a new guest with us and if you saw mine and Jerome's last video that we just uploaded then you would know about our lovely lady friend (Y/n) who has kindly agreed to finally record with us and as normal our friends are watching us in the background like normal. SO with that being said let's have our lady friend introduce herself." I just groaned and looked at the cam with a fake smile. "Um Hi people um I'm (y/n) um I don't normally like to be recorded but I thought I would make it up to Mitch and Jerome. Um I really don't want to make this a bad video or anything but---" Before I could finish Sky jumped on my back and looked at the cam. "Oh my gurd guys look at her didn't I tell you guys how KAWAII she was? Hey do us a favor if you agree with me like this video and saying the comments if you want to see more (y/n) in all of our videos!" he said as he ran off and left me to look at the camera. "Hey guys I also want to say that we are actually livestreaming this to." Jerome said with a sly smirk. "Jerome you didn't tell (y/n) did you?" "No because I wanted to be a surprise." I was about to logout again but people in the comments were typing to Jerome and Mitch that I was leaving. "(Y/N) PLEASE DON'T LEAVE IT WILL MAKE US SAD!" Mitch and Sky screamed. I just sighed and stopped typing to logout. "So now everyone I have found out something really neat, ok so I am going to tp you and (y/n) to my spot to show you." I waited until I saw Jerome's skin but I didn't care at the moment I just started to dig a hole and crouched so they couldn't find me. "Now that you guys are here I can show you my cool item I found." "Um Mitch?" "Yes Biggums?" "Where's (y/n)?" "What do you mean didn't you tp her to you?" "I did but I don't see her here or even on the map." "What?! Did she logout without us knowing?" "No the chat would have shown it." I was laughing so hard by now. Sub had managed to join and was hiding right beside me. so while Mitch and Jerome were looking for me I dug with Sub and we dug until we got in the fake house and planted TNT and set pressure plates for Mitch and Jerome to step on. "Well that's strange we can't seem to find (Y/n) anywhere." "Guys I am in Mitch's house messing with his pets they're so cute." "NO NOT MY PET'S!" Mitch said as him and jerome ran inside setting off the TNT. Luckily me and Sub were back at the hole I dug earlier. We sat and watched as the house and everything around it blew up. "(Y/N) WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HOUSE? DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THAT TOOK ME TO MAKE?!" He sounded very angry but then me, Sub, and Jerome started laughing. "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO!" We yelled. But I don't think Mitch was happy at all.

tbc....... and guys should I keep going or no? I think I should but I want to know if you guys want me to or have anything you want me to add while I keep going.

Aaron x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now