Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

I, Niall Horan, am a lying, selfish dickhead. Why am I a lying and selfish dickhead? Well, I'm pretending to be a different person to a girl who has been nothing but genuine to me.

I love my fans and band mates with all my heart, but for once I'd like to be a normal adult with normal friends. She was my chance to be treated like an ordinary guy so I took it. Now, I regret it. I feel bad and yes, I know, if I feel so guilty, why don't I confess? Well, she'd hate me forever and probably never talk to me again and I'd lose a really close friend. But, the longer I wait to tell her, the more she'll hate me for lying to her. So either way I lose.

I don't know what to do anymore. I have a connection with her and she has a connection with me. I did not spend three straight months talking to her, almost daily, and vice versa if we didn't feel anything towards each other.

How would I even confess? Alayna Rhodes, I am not Nate whatever last name I used. I have no idea who that guy was but it's okay because I'm actually Niall Horan and I still really like you! Don't think I'm a complete asshole, I've tried confessing before. However, I couldn't stand to press the send button. It was a click away, one damn click, and who knows what would've happened. Maybe she would've liked me even more. Or maybe she would ignore me, block me, and call the police. I couldn't take any chances so I decided not to do anything and send her a picture of a fucking pancake. It was a pretty rubbish pancake but I sent it anyway.

Holy shit, what am I gonna do?


Sorry this chapter sucks, a lot.. I'm  finally   finished rewriting everything and I can now update every 2-5 days!! Woo!

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