Chapter 1

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"Alayna, will you ever get off that damn laptop of yours?" My father said, putting down his coffee and giving me a stern look.

"Sorry, what's that?" I hit send on my laptop and looked up at him, flashing a small smile. I heard what he said, still, I would rather not explain what I do on my laptop all the time considering my parents would probably kill me if they found out I have friends online. Since God knows when, my parents have told me ''don't speak to strangers on the internet'' but how am I supposed to avoid that when I'm always on it? Plus, I'm eighteen now, I think I can handle some online friends. I probably come off as rude however I promise I'm not! All the time, anyway.

"For once, I'd like a nice breakfast with my whole family. When I have this baby and Alayna goes off to college, it'll be so hectic and different around here." My mother sighed and stabs her fork into a pancake drenched in syrup and butter.

My mother is a stay-at-home mom and she couldn't be any better at it. Sometimes I can act very ungrateful for what she sacrifices, so I shut my laptop and smile at her. My siblings, Alan and Sadie, do the same and eventually we all finish our very quiet breakfast.

My dad grabbed his briefcase and coat, and held the door open. "Lets go," he said, motioning to the door, "we can't be late twice this week."

The whole car ride there, I sat in the front doing nothing but texting Nate. I realized lately we've been inseparable, through text message and email anyway, since we are online friends after all. Nate and I share so much in common, I can't help but want to text him at any moment possible. I just hope he feels the same way.

The car ride to school was another quiet moment, we have a lot of those in my family, which gets pretty sad. With the anxiousness of the baby while his/her due date comes closer, my dad losing his job, the constant arguments between my parents and me leaving for college, nothing has been the same. Yet all those things disappear from my mind when I talk to Nate, it may seem silly to like your internet friend but there isn't anything I can do about it. When I finally got to my school, I texted Nate saying goodbye and gave my father a kiss on the cheek and left.


It felt good being a senior, not gonna argue with that. We get special treatment and practically everyone has senioritis so the teachers don't give much work to the people, including me, who don't really believe in those ridiculous things. Also I have to maintain my grades if I don't want my acceptance letter to NYU backtracked. To think, I was almost over with school but I have another four years ahead of me.

I walk over to my locker, entering my lock pin for the last time, and grabbing the last of my textbooks: calculus. My least favorite subject EVER and I'm finally done! Well for high school anyway.

"What are you thinking about?" My best friend, Nadia asked and closed my locker.

I smiled at her and yelled, Fuck calculus!" It got me a few glares from the teachers but also a loud applause from other seniors.

It wasn't graduation day, yet. It was tomorrow, whatever that's close enough. I can't believe my calculus teacher was evil enough to teach it till the last day.
I walked into the room, with a big smile on my face, knowing I'll never have to sit down here again. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss school but as I said before..fuck calculus.


I am officially graduating. Seniors were allowed to leave at 10:45AM and I was excited to text Nate. I opened my phone and saw that he beat me to it.

Text Message from Nate- Hey doll, i'm heading to bed. good night even though it's only 11am in NYC. We'll talk tomorrow, promise.

And with that my day was ruined. I haven't had an actual, long conversation with Nate in weeks. I swear his timezone changes every two days, I don't get him. I guess I'll go shopping for my graduation dress with Lizeth and Nadia, I'd been planning to do that for weeks. I really should now since graduation is tomorrow.

Oh my god, graduation is tomorrow.


WOO. First chapter finished. I actually like it? I'll probably hate it next week though, oh well. I'm so glad I'm finally able to post something. yay! It doesn't have a lot of dialogue sorry but it's just this chapter...I think.

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