Chapter 11

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Sammy here, 

Hello everyone,

Im sure your wondering if what happen to me and Alex after everything that happen. You aren't? Well to bad your going read this anyways cause im awsume sauce and you love me =P. Just kidding. Alex and I are doing great. After what happen with Mrs Smith Alex was a little worried about leaving being alone but it worked out because now we live togther. Yup we rented a apartment togther and moved in. I work at the gym with Aaron with kids. Alex is in school studying cooking. He's a great cook if you didn't know witch is great for me because i get to eat his homework every night. Whiskey is still as old and lazy as ever and Joker has gotten bigger. We did find out one shoking thing Joker happens to be more of Harley Quinn witch for those that don't know is the Jokers side kick who happen's to be a girl. Joker should be haven kittens any day now and we cant wait. As for Alex and I we arent dating. I know you want to cry but dont worry. Were not dating because 

Were Engaged! 

Yup i asked him a to date me a year ago after everything that happen with Timmy and Mrs Smith i couldn't take losing him and while it took a few months we finally went out and been happy ever since. Were be getting married in June in New York and i would tell you what it be like but Alex is planning everything with his sister and me and Aaron are ban to help. O well, we never forget about Timmy. We visit his grave every year and we bring pictures with us to show and talk about. Yea i know Alex stills love's him but i don't mind. I love Him and Timmy there always in my thoughts. Anyways Alex made me cookies and there all mine so na na na na =P



They all lived happliy ever after, The End.

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