Fear Of Love15

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Chapter 15

The school parking lot was already almost full by the time we got there on Monday morning and we had to run inside to avoid being caught and given a detention. Our school was a private school so it was very strict and you really couldn’t get away with hardly anything.

We walked through the big glass doors into the lobby and found ourselves surrounded by students and teachers hurrying to classrooms and lockers. After shoving through the crowds people and book bags we came to the hallway that lead to the computer room, it was taped off with the ‘Caution: Do not enter’ yellow ribbon used by police and the FBI.

“What is going on” Wendi and I looked at each other,

“Girls, you need to step away from the tape” A deep voice came from behind us, we turned around to face a tall man in a suit looking down on us,

“Sorry,” We said in unison,

“What’s going on here?” Wendi spoke up

“Somebody broke into the computer lab last night and destroyed all the computers but one,” He looked impatient but I pressed on,

“Why did they leave one?” I knew that there were hundreds of new Apple computers that were just installed a few weeks ago and all the students were really excited about the new computers, I couldn’t see why anybody would want to ruin all of them.

“The one that wasn’t damaged said ‘Someday you will love me’ and that’s all.” The man stopped talking for a brief second and then continued “All the disk drives and files were completely erased except for one document that said ‘Someday you will love me’”

“What does that mean?” I asked, heart pounding.

“Well I can’t give out any information at the moment but I’ll tell you, when we catch this person they will be in a really big mess. Now if you will excuse me I have to get back to work.” The man walked away and Wendi just stood there staring at me while I almost fainted.

“Wendi, who would do this?” I was hoping it wasn’t who I thought it was because if it was I had no idea what else I could do.

“I don’t know” Wendi said putting an arm around me “I don’t know.”

At that moment, Amanda and Kasey came running up with Nate close behind.

“Where have you guys been?” Kasey said almost squealing “This is like a real live mystery, you know like those ones on TV with the hot bad guys, and this is so romantic ‘Someday you will love me’ I mean this dude must really have some feelings for his gf, man, don’t you think?” She stopped and we just started at her, “I mean it’s like bad he would smash up those computers, who would do such a thing?” She corrected herself.

“I need to sit down,” I said dragging myself over to a nearby bench. ‘Ok Brandi, Don’t get all worked up, it’s not a big deal, I mean what if it isn’t him, then you got yourself all wrapped up for nothing’ I told myself ‘Yea that’s it. It wasn’t even him, it was some random stranger I don’t even know’ I tried convincing myself. It didn’t work. “Does anybody know who did it?” I asked hoping for even a sliver of information.

“Nobody” Amanda simply stated

“Look, Brandi I’m sure it’s not him” Nate said, as if he could read my thoughts,

“Him who?” Kasey said looking up from the text message she was typing.

“Have you even been paying attention?” Wendi asked, getting slightly annoyed at Kasey,

“Huh?” Kasey said and when nobody answered, went back to her text message.

I can’t remember what happened next but I do remember that all of a sudden Nate and Wendi were on either side of me and Amanda Was on the other side of Nate. Kasey was still standing, texting, leaning against the wall.

BUZZ, BUZZ. The sound of somebody’s phone vibrating went off and everybody dug in their pockets for their cellular telephone devices, all except for me. I just sat there staring into space.

“Not me” they all said one by one,

“Brand, is that your phone?” Nate asked me and I came back to the present. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone “Yea it’s me,” I answered. I clicked on the READ button and a message popped up. ‘This is for you’ was what it read. I didn’t even need to look at who the message was from, I already knew. I jumped up from the bench and let go of Wendi’s hand, I hadn’t even realized she had been holding my hand, comforting me, until that moment. I started to breathe heavily and felt very lightheaded, and then everything went black

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