Had to try

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Chapter 6

(Had to try)


It was late as Larissa sat up in her bed quietly thinking over her options. She could accept this would be her life and simply try to forget her old life or she could run and try to get back to the mortal realm. If she ran there was no doubt Rowan would be angry and would definitely come after her.

Larissa wasn’t the kind of girl to just give up though. She knew the chances were high she wouldn’t escape but the blonde woman also knew if she didn’t try she’d always wonder.

“If I just accept they’ll always expect me to accept,” Larissa told herself. Quietly she slipped out of bed and entering her dressing room she changed out of her night gown and into a dark blue dress. With any luck the dark color would help her hide in the darkness.

Slowly the woman went to her balcony and looked out. Seeing no one around she went back inside. Tying the sheets together Larissa secured one end to a heavy table by the door and threw the other end down over the side into the garden. Carefully she slipped over the side of the balcony and started climbing down her make-shift rope.

Reaching the ground the green eyed girl left the sheet rope dangling over the side and began quietly making her way away from the castle wall. Carefully she made her way toward the outer gardens. Larissa knew not to walk out in the open and stayed within the shadows. It would take her longer but there would be less chance of being spotted by guards or any of the castle’s servants.


Rowan couldn’t sleep. The hurt he’d caused Larissa weighed heavily on his mind. Feeling the urge to speak to the woman he’d stolen from the mortal realm became too great. The prince got up and quickly dressing he left his room.

“Majesty?” Blain said surprised to see the Prince re-emerge.

“I need to see Larissa. I might have...possibly…I just need to see her.” Without attempting to try and explain again the heir to Rosina began walking through the halls toward his bride’s room.

Blaine and Nolan exchange a concerned look but followed after their prince. Both knowing whatever their prince hadn’t said might not be good.

The prince arrived at Larissa’s door and at first knocked quietly. He waited a moment and assuming she might be asleep knocked louder. When there was still no response however he became concerned. He opened the door and entered the room.

“No!” He said seeing the balcony doors open. He went to the side and looked at the sheets. Anger took hold. “Find her!” He ordered angrily. His guards wasted no time and left the room. Within moments bells were ringing and a search began for the missing fae woman.

“I warned you Larissa!” He said bitterly. Angrily he stormed out of her room and headed for the Terrace. He’d give his guards a chance to find her and for her to believe she could escape him. If they didn’t find her within fifteen minutes however he’d use the necklace she wore around her neck to locate her. He’d purposely not told her the necklace was more than a pretty piece of jewelry that labeled her as his.

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