(Chapter 21) Standardized Testing & Coffee Breaks

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Nebraska's official testing time was here at the end of April and beginning of May. It had been two peaceful weeks since our celebration, and Casey was home with his family this Sunday.

On Sunday night, Carol was planning a healthy breakfast for me for the morning, being that my mathematics test was the next day.

"So," she looked at me from behind a cook book, "I'm really quite curious, is Casey your boyfriend?" 

"Yeah!" Dad chimed in from his comfortable spot in the large chair in the living room.

"I- uhh, I actually don't know," I twisted my mouth to the side, realizing now that I'd never thought about it until now. We were just...us.

"You should call the boy and find out," suggested my father, who had managed to pry his eyes from derby races on the television. I fished out my phone and dialed 3, his speed dial. I hit speaker-phone and waited, leaning against the counter.

It rang.

It rang.

It rang.

"Hey babe, what's up?" his familiar voice came through the line, casually calling me babe like he sometimes had.

"Casey, uhh, are we a couple- I mean, like, are you and I officially boyfriends?"

"Well unless you had different intentions, I would sure hope so," I could hear his semi-serious tone and his half-smirk with pursed lips through the call. I had memorized him this way.

Carol gave a little cry of victory. 

"That's my son," bellowed Dad, "gettin' the boys." He laughed heartily and I smiled, blushing.

"Are those your parents?" Casey laughed.

"Yeah," I rubbed the back of my neck, "they were wondering."

"Oh," he laughed again, "makes sense, makes sense. Hey, um, my parents are also wondering about you...chiefly, would you like to come to dinner after testing is done next week?"

I froze up, "Uh, yeah, that sounds great." I had met Casey's aunt, and had a brief encounter with his mom once or twice. I knew they were okay with me. But I was suddenly filled with angst about a dinner with Casey's family. Casey and I had been out on two 'dates' really, neither of which involved a formal dinner of any sort.

"Alright, cool. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight." I hung up, sliding my phone back into the pocket of my Paramore hoodie.

"Well this is exciting," Carol smiled, now focused mainly on the cookbook.

I put on a smile, "More than you know. Goodnight y'all, I'm gonna get some rest before my test tomorrow." I gave both parents a kiss on the head before heading off to bed, curling up in the blankets, imagining Casey beside me.


Our week was slow, our tests were boring, long, the usual-- but Carol's breakfasts were sublime and plans were arranged for the dinner-of-doom. I still didn't know why I was this anxious and afraid of a dinner, formally "meeting" Casey's parents.

Those of us who had taken tests had the next week off, so Monday morning I woke up late and Casey took me out for the day, talking preparation and logistics for the dinner which had been scheduled for tomorrow evening- a Tuesday. Of course it was a Tuesday.

We went for brunch at the local cafe, switching up our orders and trying each other's food. Then we proceeded to shopping for new clothes to get me into a better feeling for the dinner. 

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