(Chapter 12) Kelsey's Wishes

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Casey had to leave early the next day to help his aunt with something or other, leaving me with the girls for the rest of the weekend. Kelsey washed the dishes while Summer helped me make eggs. (We ended up botching the eggs so badly we decided to go to IHOP at eleven).

The closest IHOP was twenty minutes by car, so we borrowed Kelsey's brother's Camaro and left at 10:40. I got strawberry and banana pancakes with whipped cream. Kelsey got New York cheesecake pancakes with the combo of a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash-browns. Summer ordered chocolate chip waffles and a coffee. We laughed and ate for an hour and a half, avoiding talks of crushes (with the exception of celebrities because I probably talked about Troye Sivan more than I should have, and Kelsey said her man-crush was Calum Hood at the moment. Summer let out so many giggles when talking about Shailene Woodley, I began to ponder her sexuality again).

The rest of the weekend was a blur of Cartoon Network and passing out on couches with microwavable burritos on paper plates in our laps. 

School was pretty average for the whole week, except that Casey was only seen at a distance (unless you were Summer, because apparently he talked with her). Kelsey even admitted something was weird with Casey. He never hung out with us, and didn't even look at Kelsey or myself.

He literally disappeared at lunch every day, maybe off campus, and in any shared classes he sat closest to the door in the front (whereas we normally sat in the back because I can't tolerate the front end). It was peculiar, and I was confused as to whether I had done something. One night he's kissing me in the bed, and the next he's ignoring me for a week. That gets my mind turning in a bad way, believe me. 

Summer, on the other hand, had no problem with Casey. She was actually often beside him, with him, in communication with him. Kelsey asked her if she knew why he was being distant toward the both of us, and she only shrugged and walked away to meet him somewhere again. It was almost suspicious, the both of them, and I could tell Kelsey was uncomfortable about it.

It was Friday again, and I noticed Summer lingering outside Mrs. Clare's door as I headed to carpool. 

"Hey are you coming to carpool?" I asked casually as I passed, my voice cracking a little on the word 'carpool'.

"Oh, no, I'm going home with Casey today."

I wanted to stop dead in my tracks, I wanted to question. The past five days had been eating at my thoughts. But I managed an "Oh," and walked out the door.

Down the steps, I was greeted by a certain ex-quarterback's girlfriend. She wore this evil grin coated in pink gloss. Her pastel green sleeveless button up seemed a bit cold for the pre-spring weather, but she didn't seem cold. Maybe she's cold to the core so she's not bothered by this weather, I thought to myself as I stuck my non-casted hand deep inside my jacket pocket. She stared at me expectantly, and I realized I didn't even know her name. I gave a small wave with my un-pocketed hand, to which she pursed her lips in a small frown.

"Well don't you know who I am by now?" she said in that semi-squeaky voice I'd heard down the halls before. 

Now I frowned, "I know you're the head cheerleader and gossip queen." I stated this flatly, and she didn't seem to like that.

"That's not my name, stupid. That's not all I am."

"Well that's all I know, soo..." I wanted to make an exit somehow, but her schemed gaze kept me locked in place.

"I know your secret, Kyle," she stepped closer, leaving a sour taste in my mouth with the way she said my name.

"Yeah, so?" I wasn't sure what secret she was talking about; after all I had my share beyond my sexuality.

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