Monsoon Chases's Chapter

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Give me two reasons why I shouldn't just tell her not to go. Just two was all I needed. Well for one. I wanted her to at least do something by herself, we were always together. It's nice to get away from everything once in awhile. And two. Well, I love her....she just didn't know it yet.

Why couldn't I just say it? Liza don't go I love you. I want to be with you. Just say it. SAY IT!

Too late. She was already gone. I'm officially the biggest idiot ever. What kind of a boyfriend can't tell his girlfriend that he loves her after eight years? Oh that's right me.

Now what was I suppose to do? I walked around town for a bit. This was going to be the worst-

"Oh sorry", a girl said as she bent to the ground to pick up her book.

"No, no that was my fault", I picked up the book and held it out to her.

She looked up at me and blinked. WOW. She I have to keep my mind on Liza. She's the one you love. Don't do something stupid. I smiled at her and she took her book. As I turned to walk away, she called out.

"Wait," she was behind me now.

"Yeah?" I stopped.

"My names Claire", she said, still behind me.

"Chase", I responded, turning to face her. She smiled again.

And that was all it took. She had me right there. Chase Chase Chase what have you gotten yourself into.

I was reading one of Liza's letters. I really missed her. But on the bright side I have Claire. She seemed pretty cool.

After the first week, Liza stopped writing. Maybe the mail got mixed up or maybe she was really busy. Yeah. That was it.

"Too busy to write you a couple of words?" Claire asked suspiciously.

I shrugged. "I don't really need to know what she's doing all the time...I just want to know how she's holding up." Liza wasn't a nature person. I remember this one time we went hiking, and after only ten minutes she was already complaining. I laughed to myself at the memory.

I literally stood by my door everyday waiting to see if a letter from Liza came. And everyday I was disappointed. No letters, no phone calls, nothing. Well obviously there were no phones there but hello, just get a piece of paper, a pen, and write your boyfriend a letter!

After three weeks of this I gave up. She didn't want to talk to me? Fine.

"So Chase, hear from your girlfriend yet?" Claire asked, sitting on my bed.

"No", I looked at her, and then looked away. Just because Liza was being ignorant and she wasn't here doesn't mean anything Chase.

I swear, I only saw Claire as a friend. We would hang out and just talk. But I swear she was only my friend.

So when did I start seeing her as something more? I just woke up one day and I saw her and everything changed. I mean, I always thought she was attractive, but this...this feeling was different. After I started having these feelings toward her I kind of started drifting away from her, I loved Liza way too much to do that to her.

But that didn't stop Claire, the more I drifted away the more attached she became.

Now if I said I didn't like Claire's company I would be lying. I couldn't just stop being her friend. Well part of me did. The part that loved Liza. The other, more brainless part of me, wanted to be around Claire all the time.

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