Monsoon Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I must have passed out or something because when I woke up I was in my cabin. Oh come on. Did I seriously just dream all that? No it was just a hallucination. All this heat was getting to my head already. Making me see weird people, weird animals. I sat up and looked out the window. You have got to be kidding me. I closed my eyes as I repeatedly told myself there was nothing there. I opened my eyes to see that I was infact hallucinating.

Nothing. I looked around and there was nothing there.

"Thank god." I said relieved, backing away from the window. I bumped into something hard and froze. It's breathing came out hot and sticky on the back of my neck. I slowly turned my head as the creature's face was two inches away from mine. I tried to scream as it turned its head slightly. Its hand jerked up and grabbed my neck.

"AH!" I screamed as I fell off my bed. I was kicking and thrashing as I fought with it. I looked around and I realized I was sprawled on my cabin floor fighting with a blanket. Wow.

I got out of the blanket and saw Carmen staring at me as if I was some kind of freak. Now this was truly embarrassing.

"Are you okay? I thought you were dead", She said.

"Well I'm obviously not. I'm standing right in front of you." I replied. God she can be so stupid sometimes. I think she sensed my hostility because she didn't ask me anything else; she just turned around and left. I watched her as she walked towards the other cabin.

Maybe all of these hallucinations are a sign telling me to go back home to Chase. Yup that was definitely it. But when I looked back outside I saw the demon smiling evily at me. Are these things going to keep on doing this to me? Like what in the world is going on here? This doesn't happen to normal people. Where is that weird boy? Maybe he was just a hallucination too. The demon disappeared with a blink of an eye and I frantically looked around my cabin to make sure it wasn't going to attack me again. I went outside to get some fresh air. Should I go back to the house? I stood there quietly for a couple of seconds debating on what I should do. Stay in the cabin and pretend like I don't see anything or look for the boy and maybe get some answers. Definitely going to go and look for the boy. So I walked to the road, saw the clearing and the river and I stopped dead in my tracks. Where was the house? I looked around, nothing. Wait, wait I'm positive it was here. Houses don't just get up and fly away. I know what I saw. I was sure this was the same place as before. Unless the house was a hallucination too. Then I saw another demon walking in the trees. I froze. It didn't notice me it just kept walking. I wasn't going to stand there and wait for another to appear. Well there's no house. No boy. Time to go see a psychiatrist. I turned and something caught my arm. Oh no.

"What are you doing here?" he asked his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him, okay so he was real. That's good to know, I think. I looked behind him and there was the house. Are you joking right now? My idiotic brain was playing mind tricks on me. "Hello?" he asked, shaking me.

"Oh I just-", I started but he cut me off. God what is wrong with this guy, seriously.

"No let's go", he said as he led me back to the cabin. I frowned. Who does this guy think he is? I stood in the middle of the room waiting for some kind of explanation to why all of this is happening to me.

"Well?" I said, my arms folded in front of me.

"Well what?" he questioned. His eyes narrowed. I sighed. I could already tell I was going to hate this guy, as if I didn't already.

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