
27K 1.3K 264

 Now, I use to vote for every single story I read here on Wattpad when I first joined. It wasn’t a bad thing, but something I use to do. For those of you who do that, it’s fine. Keep it up. For those of you who never vote because that means another person will become more popular than you, than stop doing that!

I must admit, I was once in a phase when I use to do that. I would read a story that I liked then just leave it. Well, if you like the story enough to continue reading it until the next few pages then you should vote. Who knows, maybe this person will, in return, vote for some of your stories.

While on the subject of voting, I have one more thing to say; voting for people for them to vote you back. It’s alright if you vote for someone and they come and vote for you, but if you post on their profile page:

“Hey! If you vote for every chapter of my stories then I’ll vote for all of your stories. Deal?”

No! Don’t do that! Why? Because, let’s say you did this and someone gave you 10 votes. Well, those 10 votes don’t mean anything! Just 10 votes because of a deal you and someone made!

I must admit, I have done this once or twice, and I’m not proud of it. If you want to be popular on Wattpad, you need to get real votes.

Don’t do Wattpad for votes and fans! Do it to share your stories and see how many people like them. Do it to see if people like your stories, not to see if lots of people vote for them because you told them to!  

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