Writers Block

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I can honestly say, it took me forever to write this chapter, one year to be exact. I had some major writers block for a while, and now I’m here to tell you what to do. Writers block is something I say we all go through, and when I say all I really do mean all. Honestly, who’s never met an author who has never gone through writers block? Well, I’m here to help!

There a few ways to help writers block. What works best for me is looking at pictures. I have a Tumblr account, and for those of you with no life like me, I suggest you get one; they’re awesome! Anyway, Tumblr has some fantastic photos to look at. I look at those photos, photos of me when I was younger, or just Google some photos and get some type of inspiration. Write a description. Write something that you feel suits that picture you’re looking at. It may be cheesy, but a picture does really speak 1000 words, so try to display that picture with 1000 words.

Listen to music. Seriously, just pick your favorite song or a song you’ve never heard and listen to it. If it’s a sad song, write a sad story about it. Happy song, write an uplifting story about it. Think about how the artist of a song wrote that song. Listen to the first line of the song. Does it make sense? Do you like it? Not? What would you change?

My story “By Dawn” was based off of the song Lights by Ellie Goulding. Remember though, when you do write your story based off of a song, do not, I repeat, do NOT post the entire song as one of your chapters, write it in the descriptions or something, but I don’t waste your time explaining the song to us. Please.

Finally, go outside, I dare you. I know all you little Wattpadders are busy slaving over your keyboards to write the perfect story or whatever, but if you have writers block just go outside. Talk to your friends. Heck, even talk to random people. Ask them what they did that day. Ask them about the most exciting things that have ever happened to them. Who knows, maybe you’ll find some damn good inspiration out there. Then write.

Just write.

In terms of the technical side, when it comes to writers block just make a timeline or a schedule or outline. Write about your characters and every detail about them. What they look like, how they talk, how they smell, what they think about, their social status and social skills, their intelligence, their views on life itself.

Well, I know I’ve had writers block and all for over a year now, and I find it slightly ironic that I'm writing about writers block when I'm clearly not the best person you should take advise from! Since I've been gone so long, you may tell that my writing style is a bit different, or not, I really don’t know. All I can say is, I hope this chapter was somewhat useful and I hope that all of you little Wattpad minions of mine haven’t completely abandoned me. So yeah… I hope this was useful!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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