Chapter 2

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Its been 3 months since April left and I miss her terribly. It's my work experience soon but I already know where I'm going April suggested it. Its a small old magic shop that sells magic sets and April fools type jokes and gags. I've never been inside but I've walked past it. It's pretty deserted but it's only at the bottom of my street so it's pretty close.

After watching TV and playing on my laptop and then completing 3 levels of angry birds (Its addicting) I decided to walk down to the shop and reserve my placement. As I approached the shop I noticed Its name in bright gold lettering Fire's Heart I felt a warm shudder as I read the name aloud. Shaking it off I gently pushed the door open and was greeted by a small ring of a doorbell and the gentle aroma of lavender and long winter hugs.

" Hello is anyone here ?? " I called my voice echoed around the small shop I took a few more steps getting deeper inside the shop my eyes exploring the shelves there were various magic sets and wizard costumes along with magic wands and little wish boxes including instructions and 'fairy dust'.

Eventually I heard a timid voice coming from the back room.

"One second ...." called the voice followed by rustling and shuffling. I felt quite awkward and out of place until a petite old woman around the age of 60 came out she had rosy cheeks and rose pink lips freshly permed hair and small hands with neatly kept turquoise nails.

" Urm ... Sorry to interrupt but do you take work placements, I only live up the road, My names Naomi"

The old lady smiled and replied,

" Of course sweetie, would you like a cup of tea" I nodded and returned the smile, " We'll have a little chat and some biscuits" she nodded and walked into the back room looking back to see if I was following. I sighed with relief she was lovely.

After a while we sat down and started talking her name was Mandy suddenly all my nerves flew away and I felt as if I was talking to my best friend and eventually we got onto the subject of April she was really caring and sympathetic it was different talking to Mandy she actually listened.

Soon I got a text from my mum she wanted me home now, I grunted, I didn't want to leave I felt bad leaving Mandy all alone in an empty old shop but at least she had a friend now. Me

She stood at the door of the shop and waved as I walked down the street I turned around and smiled as she nodded her head. She had given me some sweets for free as a thank you but I assured her that I would come and see her after school I had found a new best friend.

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