Chapter 16

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You were back in your room in Baltigo, tidying and packing up.

You had requested to leave the Revolutionary Army, and reluctantly, Dragon had let you, knowing that you won't spill anything. The reason for leaving was that you weren't able to fulfill your goal here anymore. You didn't know this, but Dragon had known about your past with Sabo, before you had joined. He understood your situation and had let you leave.

"If you ever want to, (Name), you're always welcome to come back," Dragon had said.

You took down the fabric chains that had been lying all around your room, collecting dust for the past month, and stuffed it into a box and slid it away in one of the storage rooms of the base. Time to put it in the past. You decided on settling on a small island, somewhere on the Grand Line. After packing, you walked through the halls of the base, one last time. You turned the corner and saw a cheerful girl.

"Yo, (Name)! You're back!" She looked at what you're holding and scrunched her eyes. It was more than what you had taken on your one-month vacation. "Going somewhere, again?"

You hesitated. You didn't want to upset the poor girl about leaving. "Um, yeah..."

"Is that (Name)-san?" The blue fishman came into view.

"I'm going to go now. Bye."

"Wait!" Koala reached to grab you but you had already sprinted away.

Koala POV

"What's the hurry?" Koala wondered.

"We should told her that Sabo-kun was looking for her," Hack said.

"Maybe Sabo-kun can catch her before she leaves!" Koala exclaimed. "Hurry!"

"Wasn't Sabo-kun at a long mission? It's been weeks since that!"

Your POV

You sprinted from Koala to the entrance of the base. You stopped, breathing heavily. The stay here was nice. For the past years, you had the most fun. The extravagant parties, the hectic missions, the quiet teatimes. It was worth it, even though if you had leave like this in the end. You looked out at the coast of Baltigo and started heading for the small ship that took you around your 1-month excursion. The warrior women at Amazon Lily were nice enough to help you repair it.

Suddenly, a warm voice said "(Name)". When you turned back around, you see Sabo standing in front you, with a worried look.

"Oh, hey, Sabo." You said. Now the person you've been chasing after was in front of you but at the same time not. Great. Why the bad timing?

"Why are you leaving?" He puts his hands firmly on your shoulder.


"Please don't go!" Sabo asked, pleadingly, "Don't go right after I remembered you..."


"I've been looking for you ever since I could leave the infirmary."

"So you've been looking for me for the past 5 weeks?"

"Yeah..." He blushed, but quickly recovered, "So why are you leaving?"

"He's been chasing me for so long! It was because I was afraid that you didn't remember me..." You faded off at the end, looking down.

"You were the first thing that I had remembered after waking up."

You dropped your things and looked up. Tears formed in your eyes. "I-I thought that you completely forgot about me!"

"I'm sorry! This apology wouldn't make up for the years that I lost."

You hugged Sabo and rested your head on his chest. You could hear the sound of Sabo's heart steadily pounding. You wanted this last forever. "Then I guess you're going to have to make up for all of it."

He hugs you back, tightly. "So you're not going to leave....?"

"As long as you're here, never." (A/N urgh... so cliche!)


It's been a few months since you and Sabo reunited for real. Every night, no matter what time the two of you got done with work, you would always meet up in the other's room. 

Everyone quickly saw the two of you together often and paired you up. After the first two months, Sabo officially asked you to be his girlfriend and you went out on the first official date. The two of you went on a boat and went cruising. You had dinner made by Sabo on the boat. At a nearby island, you walked around the city, window shopping. The date ended with stargazing on the way back to Baltigo.

You smiled as you recalled the first date. Tonight, you got done with work first. You quickly grabbed two pieces of fabric and markers and went to Sabo's room. It was late at night and the hallways of the headquarters were already dimmed. You opened the door to Sabo's room and saw him at his desk, diligently scribbling away paperwork.


"(Name)! Sorry, this is really a lot of work..."

"Don't worry about it. It's always a lot." You set down the supplies. "Let me help you."

The two of you continue to work in silence, each immersed with the amount of work. You looked to your right and noticed Sabo dozing off. The blonde laid on the side of his head, facing you and you could see a bit of drool hanging for the corner of his mouth. "He's so cute..." you thought as you draped a blanket over him. You continued to write and soon finished his paperwork.

"Done!" you exclaimed.

Sabo stirred next to you. It was 1:30 in the morning. His eyes snapped open. "Shoot!" He sat up and grabbed the nearest pen. "I fell asleep!"

You shook your head at his late reaction. "I got done with it. You can keep sleeping if you want."

"You did? Thanks..." He yawned. "Why don't we first add a piece to the chain?" The two of started the daily tradition of the writing on the chain again.

You pulled out the supplies. "Let me make something to eat first."

"Great! I haven't ate dinner."

"Or lunch. You still need to take good care of your body!"

"Yes ma'am!" Sabo playfully saluted to you.

You gave a serious nod. "Very well, soldier!" You giggled as you head toward the door. "Be back very soon!"

You walked down dimly lit hallways to Koala's room. Your best friend was out on a short mission so you didn't have to be worried about bothering her. In the kitchen, you quickly fixed Sabo and you sandwiches and lightly skipped back to his room. Sabo had already started on his fabric memory.

"Late midnight meal is served!" You declared. The two of you ate your sandwiches. Sabo ferociously gobbled down his portion, eating a total of seven sandwiches (good thing you had made extra). You yawned and quickly wrote down "late snack with Sabo" and drew a sandwich on you light green piece of fabric. Sabo penned "pile of work and dozed off".

"You didn't just 'dozed off', you literally fell asleep..." you teased, while yawning again. You rubbed your eyes. It was getting way too late.

Sabo chuckled and carried you bridal style. You gasped at the sudden movement. "Looks like someone else is going to 'literally fall asleep' now." He set you down on his bed and covered you with a blanket.

"I can't just take your bed..." you murmured, eyes slowly closing. You fell asleep and was snoring softly.

Sabo took off his shoes and scooted in next to you. "You're not..." he murmured and gently kissed your forehead.

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