Chapter 3

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The grand ball was crowded and busy. After showing your stolen invitation at the front, you continued on to the ballroom, where classical music, gourmet food, and rich people awaited. When you had stepped into the large room, a nobleman had already asked to dance with you.

"Uh... sure," you took the rich man's gloved hand. As you danced to a fast waltz, you quickly scanned for Sabo.

"Looking for someone, lovely lady? Oh, and may I ask of your name?" your dance partner asked.

Ignoring the second question, you faked a smile. "Oh, sorry for being distracted, kind sir."

"So you didn't come with anyone?"

You shook your head.

"Why don't I show you around?"

"It's alright. Thank you though." The song had ended. You curtsy politely and quickly left to keep looking for Sabo.

Sabo's POV

Sabo scanned the scene. He was never fond of noble gatherings. However, for tonight, he was supposed to be the lookout. His partner, Koala, was to retrieve some papers regarding an alliance between two kingdoms.

Koala giggled, "So, for this mission, you have to stand awkwardly, while I go retrieve the information. Don't forget to enjoy yourself! Maybe you could dance with some of the noble ladies." she said, cheerfully.

"Hey... be serious, we're still on a mission," he scolded her.

"You're no fun!"

Sabo lightly pushed Koala for her to go and continued to keep watch. As he looked, he spotted the buffet and decided he should "enjoy". To the right, Sabo sees girls flirting with another noble. One of the girls catches his eyes, nudged her friend, and started going towards Sabo. "Hey~ sexy!"

Sabo backed away. Nope, this was not what he had intended. Being the shy boy, he blushed as the girl in red silk dress rested her hand on his shoulder. "I've never seen you here! First time?" The girl's friends giggled.

"Uh... y-yeah..." He stuttered. Nope, this was not going to work.

Your POV

You looked to your right and saw a familiar figure. Unfortunately, he was a bit frozen, at lost at how to get away from the girl in front of him.

Seeing this as a chance to talk to Sabo, you went up to them. "Excuse me?" you said, bluntly, "You should back off because this is my partner for tonight!" You took a hold of Sabo's gloved hand aggressively, which he flinched in surprise. "Well, not really..." you thought to yourself, but whatever!

The girl in the red dress gasped and huffed away. "Whatever! He's too much of a shy boy, anyways!"

As the girl left, you started blush and quickly let go of your "partner's" hand.

"Thanks for getting me out of that, ummm..." The blonde ran his hand through his wavy hair.

"(Name)! The name's (Name)!" you said, looking away with diffidence. It's been too long!

"Hey, since I'm your partner, would accompany me for a dance?" Sabo asked, as he stretched his hand out.

You took it, pleased. "Of course!"

The next piece soon started and you and Sabo waltzed along to the rhythm. As the two of you danced, people made way for you. The fast music soon turned to a slow-paced one, just for you two to dance to. You looked around, noticing people watching you. You had never been used to this much attention. "Uh... they're looking at us," you whispered.

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