Chapter 5

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The entire cafeteria was covered with bright-colored decoration and the tables were either removed or rearranged to serve the food in a buffet style. The majority of the Revolutionary Army was there and people chatted away while eating, drinking, or dancing. This first day of the three-day party was supposed to be formal. In another corner, someone had set up competitions.

All the revolutionaries wore semi-formal attires, each according to their own taste. You stepped into the vast room, wearing the same dress you have worn at the ball where you had danced with Sabo about one year ago.

You looked around to see if you recognize anyone. Looking up, you noticed Dragon at one of the balcony in the floor above you. Catching your eye, he waves at you and you politely waved back. You continued to walk around until you bumped into someone.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" Stacks of paper plates and plastic cups fell to the floor. You leaned down to pick them up.

"It's alright!" A sweet voice replied. You looked up to see a girl with short orange hair and large but cute brown eyes. She wore a pink knee-high dress with frills. "Aren't you that girl that came into our base alone without being caught? That was so cool!"

"Uh... yeah!"

The outgoing girl extended. "I'm Koala, Sabo's partner. He told me about you, after you joined. Also about how he met you at a mission about a year ago."

You blushed, "He did?"

"Hey~ why don't you join me and my friends over there?" She pointed to a group of people chatting nearby.

"Sure..." You helped the girl pick up the fallen supplies and walked with Koala to her friends.


Soon you were chatting away with Koala and her friends. At one point, you had even participated in a competition. As you continued to enjoy the event, you continued to look for Sabo. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Looking for someone~?" Koala asked, noticing your occasional turning of head. "Sabo?"

"Why isn't he here?"

"He's coming tomorrow," Koala answer, as she gulped her sake. "He sent a report yesterday and said that he would be delayed."

"Aren't you his partner?"

"Sabo likes to take detours," the half-drunk girl sighed, annoyed. "He tends to be a nosy person."

"Who's nosy?" The both of you turned around.

"SABO-KUN!!!" Koala tackled the man. You looked at him. The handsome blonde was wearing a formal dark blue suit and his hair was neatly combed but still wavy.

"(Name)-san, long time no see."

"Y-you, too, Sabo-san."

"I told you that you don't have to be so formal with me."

You smiled, "Well, then maybe you need to also drop the honorific*."

"Yo, Sabo, come over here! We're starting a drinking competition! You, too, Koala!"

"No thanks!" Sabo called back, "You know that I'm not into that stuff."

"I'm coming!!!" Koala answered, leaving you to be alone with Sabo.

Sabo took your hand, "Will you dance with me?"

You happily complied and took his hand. The two of danced to the fast tempo, dancing even smoother than last time. The two of you danced as if you had been dance partners for a long time. Once again, people looked at the couple with an odd but awed look and unconsciously made a way for the pair. When the song had ended, the spectators applauded and in return, Sabo and you bowed.

"That was awesome!" Koala exclaimed, "You two are just perfect."

"Perfect..." your face flushed with embarrassment. "I think I was okay-ish..."

Sabo shook his head. "No, you were great, (Name)! Every time I dance with you, the feeling is like..." He stopped, face red.

"Oooohh, Sabo, you like (Name), don't you?" Koala teased.

"S-shut up, Koala! I-I'll get us some drinks."

"Sabo! Don't you dare walk out this one! Wait up! I'm not done yet!"

As you watched as Sabo quickly dashed away, with Koala in pursuit, you giggled. "Does he like me?" you wondered. You sighed. That was just another wishful thinking.

Koala's POV

"Darn it, Sabo! He's too fast! I still have questions to ask!" Just then she spots Sabo's subject of interest. "I could ask someone else, heh, heh, heh."

"Say, (Name)-chan~."

(Name) turned around to see her new friend with a creepy face. "Y-yes?" she shuddered.

"What do you think of Sabo~?"

"..." You hid your face but it exploded with millions shades of red.

"Aww... you like him!" Koala squealed. "Too cute!"

"S-shush, Koala!"

"Come on! Tell me why," the prying girl scooted closer.

Your POV

"W-why I like him? W-well..." You thought of the last time you had saw him. The time when you were frustrated and he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "He's very gentle and knows when a person is troubled."


You stood up abruptly. "I-I'm going to go get more food," you announced, while also trying to leave the topic.

"Hey!" Koala whined.

You continued walking to the buffet table. After picking some of your favorite dessert*, you started heading back... until you bumped into someone.

"Why am I running into people today?" you sighed. Thankfully, nothing was spilled this time. "Sorry," you bowed politely.

"It's fine."

You looked up to see Sabo balancing two plates food stacked high with food. "Why does it have to be him now?" you asked yourself.

"Do you want to eat together?" Sabo asked.


After finding an empty table (it took a while), while trying to avoid Koala for the same reasons, you and Sabo ate your food. You slowly ate your dessert as Sabo wolfed down his food. Sabo talked to you about his past missions and you told him about your life before becoming a Revolutionary: how you started the liberation of slaves, people you met. You even mentioned about meeting Luffy, the captain of the Strawhats, hoping to jog his memory, but of course it didn't.

"They're really friendly. A lot nicer than most pirates."

"Really? I always thought that crew is interesting though. They only have nine people." He gulp down another bowl of fried rice.

"Darn," you thought.

"(Name), have you heard about the plans for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? No..."

"I think for the second day of this 'party', there's..."

"...going to be a paint war and it's going to be AWESOME!" Koala butted in. "I've finally found you two! You think you can ignore me?!"

"Koala!" Sabo huffed, exasperatedly.

"Hee-hee, sorry!"

You tilted your head. "A paint war?" you asked.

*(A/N: I'm sorry if you don't like sweets. How about some chips?)

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