Chapter 20

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Goodbye, Sherlock.

Chapter 20.

I do.

John's POV-

I wanted to punch me in the face.

I had almost told him.

On his wedding day!

"Uhm... Mary looks good in purple." I said. Sherlock looked down.


I shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever."

God, what a good way to fix it. Yeah, look at me, I'm John Watson and I'm straight. Sherlock had probably deduced otherwise by now.

We entered the room where the ceremony would be celebrated.

I looked over at Sherlock.

He looked nervous.

I mean, he was about to get married, it was normal that he was nervous but, still, I never expected him to be like that for something like a wedding.

He had said nothing about the coat, so I didn't bring it up either. He didn't seem angry at me so... maybe he liked it.

I sighed and looked around, trying to distract myself.

The place was beautiful and I could clearly reconigze Janine's style on it. Bright colours everywhere. Of course there are bright colours. I thought. It's a wedding, it's supposed to be happy.

Sherlock walked directly to the altar and I stood next to him. Everybody was already on their sits, which made me even more nervous. They all obviously  knew Sherlock, but I had arrived only a month ago, and most of them were probably wondering who I was.

I nodded at Sherlock, and moved to the side opposite to him. 

"Ehh... William, I think you're supposed to stand next to me." I whispered.

"No, don't worry. I've talked with Janine. I'll stay here and she'll be there, next to you."

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

I saw Sherlock looking at the ground and then at me. It was so weird to see him like that... He was always well dressed, but it had been a lot of time since I had last seen gim wearing a suit. Only this was more elegant than the ones he used to wear, and the shirt was less tight. His hair was pressed against his head, making his head look weird. It was strange. He looked like Sherlock, but there was something in his eyes that made him seen like a completely different person.

I stopped in his eyes when I realized he was looking at me. I had been staring. Well done, John. I thought. But I quickly forgot about it, because I could only think about how red his eyes were.

Had he been crying before the wedding?

My thoughts were interrupted when the priest got into the room.

"Hello." He said. "Are you ready?" He asked Sherlock, who nodded in response.

I stood still, waiting for Janine to come and get this started.

I didn't know what would happen after this. Surely, Janine and Sherlock would want the house for themselves, but they wouldn't tell me. Janine was too kind, and Sherlock was maybe afraid that I would tell everyone who we really were. Or maybe not. He had accepted the coat. He had nodded when I called him Sherlock. Did that mean that he'd tell Janine after all?

Goodbye, SherlockWhere stories live. Discover now