Chapter 16

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Goodbye, Sherlock

Chapter 16.

Those piercing blue eyes.

John's  POV

I got off the bath. The water was really cold because I had stayed reading Greg's blog. He had written a lot about how his life was before I came along. Everything was so paceful... Well, as paceful as it can be being an detective who works in Scotland Yard with Sherlock Holmes. But felt as if things were easier then. He had also written a lot about Mycroft.

I felt so sorry.

I had taken everything away from him, Sherlock, Mycroft... I felt guilty and selfish. I was there, with Sherlock, and they probably thought that he was somewhere getting high. Just as I had tought before finding him. 

He talked about Mrs. Hudson and himself , and I could understand how they were feeling, because I had felt the same.

Sherlock was a selfish dick for staying there without even calling.

But then I looked at myself in the mirror. I was selfish too. I was alive and I had left them there, thinking I was buried in some graveyard. But I couldn't come back before. I had wished it for years, but it had been impossible. The scars in my body were a clear sign that I hadn't exactly been on holidays.

I still couldn't come back.

I was distracted by the sound of the front door opening. Sherlock was here.


I never called him that, not even in private. It was always William. William Watson.

"John! Are you here?" He shouted from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I answered.

I put on my clothes and went downstairs. He was taking the food he had bought off the bag. Thtt was something I never thought I'd see Sherlock Holmes doing. 

His blonde hair seemed golden with the last rays of sun that entered through the window. The muscles on his arms tensing when he lifted something heavy. God, he was fit...

I sat on the kitchen table.

None of us said a thing.

The sunlight started to disappear, but neither of us turned on the kitchen lights. I wasn't worried about Sherlock making a mess because of the lack of light, we were used to moving in darkness. We were only there, alone in the dark kitchen. In silence. His lips were pressed together, making his mouth a thin line, sign that showed he was focused.

I just looked at him.

There, I could pretend that this was just another normal night at Baker Street.

And then I heard people laughing in the porch and the door opening. 

Sherlock turned on the lights, as if he had suddendly woken up from a dream.

"Will, John, we are home!" Janine said.

"Hi, honey, we're in the kitchen!"

Janine came in, followed by other woman.

She was short, with pale skin. Short and blonde hair and a welcoming smile.

"Hi." Sherlock said.

"Hi, Will." Clearly he knew the woman.

"Mary, this is John, Will's brother." Janine said looking at me with a huge smile.

"Hi, it's my pleasure." I said shaking her hand.

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