#4: From Greg Lestrade's personal blog

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It happened a few months after I met Sherlock. 

We had started to work together as an usual thing. I never gave him credit for the cases he solved, even though I had suggested it multiple times. But he wanted none of that.

I'd never seen Mycroft again and I had almost forgotten about Sherlock's misterious brother. I say almost because sometimes I'd see a random camera in the street pointing at me during a case, or a strange black car following mine when I went to the countryside with my family or some big man following me from a certain distance when shopping. Sometimes I thought that I was just paranoid but others I was sure that it was Mycroft.

But one day something changed.

That day Sherlock had been specially brilliantand had solved the case in less than five minutes. After doing some paperwork I headed home. As always, I had asked Sherlock to come for dinner, but as always he had said that he had "more important stuff to do".

When I arrived I knew. 

Now, when I look back in time I realize that I knew in the exact moment I walked in, I just refused to see. Paige was in some friend's houe and Ellen was probably asleep. I left my coat in the closet we had in the hall. I saw it. I obviously saw it, it was there, in front of me, I just ignored it. The coat. A coat I knew perfectly. A coat I saw everyday.

"Honey, I'm here!"

No one answered. I went to the living room and I saw it. 

My wife was there, pinned against the wall by some tall man who was whispering her something while she grabbed his hair. Only it wasn't just "some tall man", it was bloody Sherlock Holmes. 

"What the hell is going on here?!" I shouted.

Sherlock jumped backwards and left my wife where she was, looking horrified.

"Greg! It's not what you think!"

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey, I've solved the case." He said smiling.

"You..." I said turning to him. "You better shut up."

"What? No, Lestrade listen to me I..."

And I couldn't help it anymore. I jumped over him and hit him in the face. Luckily for him, Sherlock was actually pretty strong and could stop me. Also Maggie, my wife, tried to stop me too.

"I'm done." I said turning to her. "I'm done with you. I'm leaving this fucking place."

"Greg, no, please, just listen..."

"No! I don't wanna listen to anything you have to say. Just leave me alone, okay?!"


"You are coming with me." I said pointing at Sherlock.

"Don't hurt him Greg." Maggie whispered.

"Oh... look how you worry for your little boyfriend... I guess people do get sentimental about their pets..."

"Greg, please." Maggie whispered.

Sherlock instead of looking worried or trying to calm her went directly to the hall and put on his coat.

"We should leave, I think it's gonna rain and I don't have an umbrella." He said.

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