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June 12th, 2011

Since Castiel had come back, he hadn't really spoken to anyone but Dean. He would spend nearly all of his time sat on Dean's bed beside him, or lounging in the arm chair. He could talk for ages but have moments of silence where, I presume, he just stares at Dean, wondering about God knows what but that's how most of the time went by. I wouldn't know what happened in between the morning and me coming over from school, I would sit outside the hospital room on one of the hard plastic chairs. I tried to not listen into what Cas was saying to Dean, but I heard bits and pieces whilst I was waiting for him to finish.

When Cas came to one of his silences, I would get up and knock on the door to inform him I was on my way into the room. Castiel would go quiet as soon as I walked in, sometimes even walking out for a moment to give me time alone with Dean in case I wanted to say things to him that I didn't want Cas to know. We had a silent but mutual understanding that we weren't going to be friends or anything close to that with each other, but we weren't going to deny each other time with Dean.

Before I could go into Dean's room one of the doctors, Doctor Reid who is a doctor that I've become familiar with over the past few days as he was always on shift when I was here, came over to me and stopped me. He guided me to a quiet space, closed off so no one was around and he sat me down with a sincere smile on his face. That's when my heart started beating hectically in my chest, my thoughts racing.

He was going to tell me Dean was dying.

That's the only logical reason for him to pull me aside, and sit me down like this.

He was only doing this with me because Bobby told him to talk to me if he wasn't around. That meant I was the next I'm line for Dean's kin, seeing as he didn't want anything to do with dad anymore and Bobby is too busy right now. I was going to be the one that had to be the bearer of bad news, I'm the one that has to tell everyone that Dean is brain dead, he's not going to wake up from this coma.

"Please, don't threat, Mr. Winchester. We believe that it is safe for us to begin to wake up Dean from the coma. I know this process wasn't explained to you by Mr. Singer, but when Dean came in, we had no safe option other than to put Dean into a medically induced coma whilst we were to do scans and wait for the swelling to go down. If we begin to bring him out of the coma now, there should be more of a response from him within two days, then he shall be fully conscious within the next week or so."

I breathe out a breath of relief that I was only partially aware that I was holding whilst I listened to Doctor Reid, trying to blink away the tears of happiness that came to my eyes at the good news. The Doctor stands up with a smile and heads towards the door, "if you would like to stay here for a few minutes to process the information, that's okay but I have to get back to doing my rounds so please excuse me."

Jumping to my feet, I rush out of the door that Doctor Reid held open for me, thanking him several times before making my way back to Dean's room, bursting in without knocking and sitting down in the seat on the other side of Dean, "Cas! Have they told you yet?"

I saw him jump in his seat when I burst into the room but he immediately went back to being subdued and staring at Dean. Castiel barely managed to shake his head in reply to me, not at all picking up on the excitement in my voice, "Cas! There's a great chance he's going to be awake within the next few days! They're bringing him out of his coma!"

Cas lets a smile grace his face but he doesn't seem to fill with happiness the way that I had when I heard the news. He still just sat there, his eyes fixed on staring at Dean just laying there as he leant into the palm of his hand.

"How are you feeling, Sam? I realise now that I haven't exactly been what Dean would want me to be. He practically murders anyone that looks at you funny and I've been belittling you, what kind of boyfriend am I?" Castiel finally looks up at me, sincerity in his eyes, a genuine concern for how I am feeling right now.

I hold my tongue, not wanting to hurt Castiel now, considering Dean was laying in the bed in between the two of us and could be hearing every word being said. Not that he would hate me for snapping back, he would prefer me snapping back at Castiel if he knew all of the things that Castiel has said to me over these few days. That being said, I don't want to hurt Castiel anymore than he already is. Of course I want to tell him to piss off, that he stopped being Dean's boyfriend the moment he went over to Illinois and that he didn't have to start caring now that he knows Dean is going to be awake in a few days.

But I couldn't bring myself to say such things to the poor, sweet Cas that hadn't seemed to leave this ghost of our old Cas, "I'm tired, a little stressed, but I'm dealing with it all. Something that seems like you're not doing. Have you eaten since you came back? When was the last time you got a full night's sleep? Have you even gone to see your family? Oh, god, I haven't even told Gabe --"

He jumps up, pouncing over Dean's body so that he could hold onto my hands to stop me from getting my phone out, "no, no! Don't, please!" Castiel calms down slightly but doesn't let go of me, "I don't want them knowing I'm back yet, that's why I've been lurking here most of the day, they'll kick up a fuss and I don't want that right now, I just want to watch Dean heal and wake up, then I'll talk to them."

"At least let Gabe know you're around, he'll stop talking to me if he knows I know that you were back and I didn't think to tell him. Please, Castiel."

For a moment, there was silence on Castiel's part.

"Fine, call the loser. But don't tell him over the phone, ask him to come here."

June 12th, 2011

Gabriel texted me that he was outside the hospital and asked how to get to Dean's room, but instead of telling him the directions, I told him to wait by the smoker's area so that I could come down to get him. I figured that, if I went down to get him, I could explain everything on the way and tell him what happened and that way he wouldn't get mad at me and it would save us the trouble of Gabriel freakish out over my brother's comatose body.

Castiel glances at me nervously, but doesn't say anything when I tell him I'll be ten minutes. He just looks back at Dean, taking his hand into his. I head along a load of corridors and through a heck load of doors that all seem so familiar to me as I head towards Gabriel, instantly spotting him once I exit through the hospital doors, seeing him balanced on a small wall that was taking up all of his concentration.

I couldn't help but smile at him and I stop, leaning against a wall by the doors as I watch the massive loser trying not to fall off the wall, arms out to keep his balance. When Gabriel finally looks up, he spots me instantly and jumps off the wall and bounds over to me, throwing his arms around my neck with a bit of struggle and a laugh, "please stop growing so quickly, I used to be the same height as you."

I chuckle, wrapping my arms around his waist and squeeze as tightly as I could without hurting him. A few seconds later, he pulls back but keeps a hand on my shoulder. His face grows more serious -- well, as serious as Gabriel could get -- and he looks around before back at me, "something must be serious if you've called me to get me here on such short notice, tell me what's going on."

Before I start explaining things to him, I take a deep breath, begin to lead Gabriel back into the hospital and then start telling him about his big brother.

2011 •destiel AU•Where stories live. Discover now