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June 7th, 2011

I slumped further into the stuff armchair on the right side of the bed with a loud huff. I was struggling to fall asleep to the steady 'beep' of Dean's monitor and the doctors and patients walking up and down the hallway outside whilst uncle Bobby was sat on the other side of Dean's bed, filling in a form for something I didn't quite pay attention to. The sounds of Bobby's pen scratching against the sheet seemed a lot louder than it should have been, the room too quiet for my liking.

"Sam, you need to go home, you don't need to stay here all day watching over Dean. You've got to go to school tomorrow as well, you can come to see him after school."

I groan in response, shifting so I could bury my face into my forearm, closing my eyes so that I didn't have to face Bobby completely. I knew I was going to have to go home and sleep now that Bobby had told me to, but prolonging anything and everything was my specialty. Bobby left me alone for another ten or so minutes and in that time I was just about to fall asleep in the armchair when the door opens and a doctor I hadn't seen before came in to check up on Dean to make sure he was still alive, I guess. As soon as the doctor left the room with a smile at Bobby and I, Bobby turned to me with an accusing glare, "Sammy, you better get your ass home before I kick it all the way home, boy."

I whine, throwing the thin blanket off of my body, "you need sleep too! You've been complaining all day that the chair is uncomfortable and you don't want to stay in it. I'll watch over him whilst you go home and sleep and eat or whatever. Don't worry about me." Bobby ignores most of what I said, standing up and heading towards the door, leaving and closing it behind him. I shuffle my chair closer to the side of Dean's bed, holding onto his hand that was outstretched towards me off of the bed.

I stared at his face, hoping for something to happen, even the smallest movement, a hand twitch, I didn't care, as long as he done something that told me he was still here with me.

I hear the door opening again, closing behind Bobby as he came back in, "remember when Dean tried sliding down the handrail at your house and he fell over the side and broke your table? Didn't you make him sleep in the garage that night?" I begin to laugh as I turn around to face Bobby for confirmation but my face drops as soon as I see him standing there, smiling at what I had said.

"I could imagine Dean doing that. I wish I saw it." Castiel chuckles, not reacting when I jump up to stand between Dean and him. Castiel stares at me once his smile fades away, watching the way I was protecting my big brother. Castiel tilted his head to the side, barely blinking.

"I'm here to say goodbye to Dean, move out of the way, Sam."

I shake my head, mirroring Castiel's side step so that we were closer to each other but further away from Dean, "Don't think saying goodbye now whilst he's half dead will be your way out of feeling guilty about these past few months. I will hunt you down and kill you if you think leaving after this will be the right choice."

Castiel laughs at me, stepping in closer so that he could look down at me to try and intimidate me, "will you, boy?" Castiel mocks, still trying to push me out of the way so that he could get to my previous position next to Dean. Castiel froze as the door to Dean's room opens, "what the actual fuck is going on here?" Bobby storms in, slamming the door closed behind him before tearing Castiel away from me and pushing me back towards my chair beside Dean's bed.

"You've got some nerve turning up here unannounced and looking like you're gonna kill Sam like that. Now, explain yourself or you're getting shot, boy." Bobby kept a tight grip on Castiel's collar as he glared at me.

"Sam kept texting me, saying Dean was in a coma. I felt partly responsible for it, I felt bad and I wanted to see Dean again, so I dropped everything in Pontiac and got the first bus that would get me here, which turned into two buses but that's beside the point. I wanted to be here for when Dean woke up; to apologise to him. Is that a problem with the two of you?" Castiel looks between Bobby and me, as if to claim his innocence to the both of us. Bobby sighs, dropping his hold on Castiel and going back to his chair on the other side of Dean's bed.

I glared at Castiel a final time before sitting down back in my original spot next to Dean and held onto his hand once more. Castiel stood at the bottom of the bed for a few moments, just watching Dean lay there, unmoving. It was unnerving to see someone that had been so lively to be so... Lifeless. Yet I had gotten used to Dean lacking life over the last few months after Castiel had left, Castiel hadn't ever seen Dean like this, so it must have hit him harder than me or Bobby.

"Can... Can I have a moment alone with him? I-I want to talk to him."

Bobby slowly got out of his seat and I went to complain and refuse to leave Dean alone with Castiel but Bobby barked at me, making me drop the childish act and walk out of the room without a fight.

As soon as Bobby and I close the door behind us, there was a breakdown of sobs heard but neither me or Bobby moved from where we were stood, not wanting to interrupt Castiel just yet.

Castiel was sorry for what happened, he regretted everything he made happen.

2011 •destiel AU•Where stories live. Discover now