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January 25th, 2011

Gabriel spoke to me for the first time since the day before he left.

He didn't avoid eye contact, he spoke freely to me, even insulted me like he used to.

Gabriel might have acted normal around me, but Balthazar still avoided me, still looked at me as if it was all my fault that his brother is gone.

The day after he didn't return home, Balthazar turned up on my doorstep screaming and yelling, mostly swear words and insults and how he was going to fuck me up.

At the time, I didn't understand.

Then, I cried for a while after Balthazar had left and I locked myself away in my room.

I then spent the next hour and a half sending texts to him, trying to call him.

Castiel never answered me.

2011 •destiel AU•Where stories live. Discover now