Chapter 20: Of Mice & Men

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I got in the car, silent as Austin's dad slid in next to me. We pulled out and I got comfortable, which seemed easy since I never really seemed to have a normal father figure.. Even from my grandpa. This, this was nice though. I looked out the window and watched the headlights go by. "You know where we're going?" I asked casually.

"Austin told me, in case he got too hammered to come home." He smiled reassuringly at me, and then watched the road again. "Music?" He asked, as his hand went to the radio.

I nodded and he flicked on the radio, pushed the CD player, and a screaming vocalist started playing through the small, hatchback car.

"Woah! Who're they?" My smile brightened and I sat up straighter in my seat, really listening to the vocals.

"Of Mice & Men, a new band coming out." He smiled and turned it up at the sight of my expression. I couldn't help but rock my head to the music, off beat, but whatever, it was great. I loved them, and I wanted to hear more.

"They're amazing." I was astonished as we pulled up to a dark painted, two story house, and I could feel the music from inside vibrating my side of the car slightly.

"We're here I take it." He chuckled and unlocked the doors. I was thankful that no one was outside and I popped the door open, greeting the fresh air sweetly.

I turned back and ducked my head in the car. "Thank you, for everything." My eyes glazed over and I tried not to show my tears. I felt a sweet, warm, genuine feeling from this man, who seemed already like a great father figure to me in such a short, short amount of time.

"Awe, let's not get all sappy. Go, enjoy your first party." He waved me away and I giggled and closed the door lightly behind me.

Now, time to eat pussy, not be a pussy. I thought bravely to myself, and smiled at the memory of Ann telling me that same line once, a long time ago, when I felt scared over something I can't even remember now.

------- INSIDE. ------

The music was loud, lots of girls and guys were either dancing, hanging out, drinking, or swimming in the back yard after drifting away from the drinking games that were set up around me. Just like the movies.

I looked around, trying to find a familiar face, and sure enough the first one I saw was Alan, leaning over an amp that was on the corner of the stage. It was then that I realized upbeat rap and dubstep club music was playing.

"Hey!" I called over the chatter and the music as I got close enough to smell his strong, over sprayed cologne.

He popped his head of mop hair up at me and grinned. "Hey! You made it!" He leaned in and gave me a quick side hug. I ignored my own constant blush and watched what he was doing.

"What are you doing? I thought you guys were playing a show?"

Alan sucked his teeth and shook his angry head. "Two of our amps blew up and so we got one working, but this one's fucked, so we're waiting on Tino to come back with a new one from his place." He sighed, making his lips move like a wave.

"I'm sorry!" I was still calling over the music.

He waved me away. "Eh, we'll sit play, just a little behind schedule." He smiled at me and I think he actually looked at me, because he play whistled, and looked around me for something or someone else. "Where's your date pretty woman?" He added a wink and he laughed.

"Caleb? I don't know, Austin's dad brought me because he wasn't answering his phone and he wasn't showing signs of showing up soon."

"No kidding? Mr. Carlile brought you? Why didn't he come in!"

I laughed, but Alan seemed kind of serious. How cool is Daddy Carlile? I smirked in astonishment and looked around the place again, actually seeing how many people were around. Why did Caleb stand me up?


Finally! I ran, heels still on surprisingly, to the front of the group that was forming, and smiled wide as the band took the stage and Austin stood in the center of it all, smiles and excitement bouncing off of him.

"Is everyone having a good time tonight?!" He yelled into the mic, getting yells and chants from the crowd.

I raised my Corona in the air, and screamed along with everyone, my buzz giving me butterflies in my stomach. Austin winked down at me, and I courageously returned it.

"Yo! Sam!" I didn't recognize the slurring voice at first, but I don't even know that they were talking to me either. It was when the voice was right next to my ear that I knew it was for me. "Sam!" I turned and backed my face away in a swerve at Caleb's crazy eyes starring at me.

"Caleb?" My voice cracked and it felt like everything just lumped into my throat.

"Hey baby!" He was sniffling and had a beer in his hand. I was confused, but at closer inspection, I saw familiar signs of Cocaine. My hands closed and I felt sweat beading on the back of my neck. "You look gorgeous!" He smiled and draped an arm around me tight. Oh God... I tried to keep calm, but I hoped something or someone else would take his attention.

"T- thanks." I remarked, and tried to focus back on the music. The guys tuned their instruments and started their first song. Austin started screaming, it was a face paced song and I instantly felt love swell in my heart.

A group of people formed behind the first two rows of formed people, and they started pushing, shoving, and moshing. I was grinning ear to ear like a kid in an unlimited floored candy store.

The song ended and before the singing to the next song started, Austin spoke back up. "You guys are fuckin' awesome! We're Of Mice & Men, and this song is called, Those In Glass Houses. Lets rock the fuck out!"

My jaw dropped and at the same time I felt Caleb's arm move from my shoulders. Oh thank God. I sighed inwardly at the same time that I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole, Mr. Carlile playing Austin's band in his car, and not telling me. Amazing!

The song started and someone started yelling something about crowd surfing. I had no clue how it was going to work, but it turns out, it did. Three people went up from the back, one after the other, and my heels were killing my feet. I downed the end if my quickly warming drink and tossed it away. Lets get fucked up.

I took of my heels, and put them on stage next to Austin, knowing they'd be safe there, and weaved through people till I was on the skirts of the pit circle. I was bouncing inside, and when the chance came, I dove in.

The group was running around in the circle, and I ran around too, being one of the only three girls that were there. Some of us shoved and I was more scared of my Bandeau getting ripped down from underneath my sheer shirt, than getting shoved into someone.

The song got crazier and suddenly a group of rowdy guys came in like a rush of stampeding wildebeests downstairs and joined in. They shoved a little harder, the running around stopped, and some were so drunk, try started punching and kicking.

"Hey!" Some big guy hollered out and I slowed down to turn and see. It was there that I made my awful mistake.

Suddenly, a big, hairy knuckled fist forced its way into my vision and nailed me right in the left eye. My vision went spotted in both eyes, and I felt woozy. Fuck.

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