Chapter 21: I'm so fucked.

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I woke up slowly, and was so grateful that it was a familiar place that wasn't the hospital. I rubbed my eyes forcefully, forgetting that I was even wearing makeup, and groaned when I remembered. The pain shooting through my left eye felt like shit too.

The live music wasn't playing anymore, and the original dubstep music was before was playing like background music. Was everything a dream?

When my eyes focused, I noticed those familiar, red and crazed eyes, leaning over into my face. I sucked in a scared, shallow breath and tried sitting up fast, but my head got a feeling of low blood flow and I had no choice but to obey.

"Jesus Christ Caleb!" I felt down myself, wondering how long he'd been there and if anyone had paid attention to us there. I realized I was on a couch that smelt like cigarettes and cats.

"Relax!" He sniggered and was patting my thigh with his jittery hand. Please, stop. The lump in my throat was growing from earlier and I tried to ignore his touch without agitating him. So this is why he didn't call.. He was already here, busy.

"Where's.. I mean, what happened to the band?"

"After you knocked out, Austin stopped and jumped off the stage to grab you before you could get trampled."

"S- so where is he now?" I felt like shit that this was all my fault. I was the party pooper, and now Austin and the guys wouldn't get paid.

"He should be coming out of the kitchen any minute with something for your eye." He sniffed and my open eye focused on the slight residue on his nostril. I was still terrified under him and so vulnerable.


I tried to take more slow, deep, calling breaths, and surprisingly.. Not really.. It didn't work. I kept thinking about the Cocaine freak that was looming over me in an enclosed space. I felt anxious and before I knew it I was having ragged breathing and my heart was hammering my chest to a breaking point. I knew i was crying so I just decided to keep both eyes closed.

"Alright C-" Austin's familiar voice sounded above me and yet I still refused to open my eyes because I knew Caleb was still there too. Play dead Hannah, like a dog. Relax, you'll be okay, get a grip on yourself.

"Hannah? Hannah are you alright? Caleb what'd you do?" His voice was worried and laced with accusatory anger at Caleb. I was pinned by worry and fear, and at a loss for words.

"I- I'm okay." I stammered, and my arms were shaking against me.

"I've got her." Austin snapped, and I felt weight move from my side in jutted motions, and then a new feeling replace it. "Hey.. You can open your eyes now." His cool breath was fanning my face, and his gently whisper pulled me from my fears.

"I'm sorry." I blurted, still a wreck.

He genuinely smiled and brushed tears from my face. "You're hurt and scared and yet you're apologizing to me? Stop." He dabbed lightly at my face and helped me sit up some. "I'm sorry, your poor eye.. I didn't know it was going to get so crazy." He handed me some pain killers and a glass of water.

"But, n- now you don't get paid." I was so worried now about all the rest of the guys hating me. But Austin shook his head and his eyes were softer than ever.

"We held them responsible for your damages, and so we got more than we agreed." He tucked hair behind my ear and made me finish up the water.

"I'm still sorry." I handed the empty cup back to him and I felt a tug at my bladder. I tried to get up after getting a handle on myself, but when I tried to stand, my head swam again. What else happened to me?

Austin too hold of my elbow though, and leaned closer to get a better grasp of me. "Remember, you suck at pain tolerance?" He tried joking, but until the joke, I really did forget. "Here, let me help. Where are we headed?"


He nodded and led me slowly up the stairs and down the skinny hall to the end door. He knocked and with no answer, swung it open to reveal a quiet, empty bathroom. Oh thank you. I sighed and Austin helped me in, leaning my hands firmly on the sink.

"If you need me, yell. I'll be right outside waiting for you." He closed the door behind himself and i like it with a lazy hand.

I peed and after washing my hands, actually decided to look at myself and what is endured that was so bad, the guys got paid extra for it.

I inhaled a sharp breath, and the tears immediately started, and fresh. My hair was wavy now, not terrible though, but my face was the real kicker. My left eye was black and forced shut, the swelling had already taken place and some o the area around it too. Not to mention my lip was red and swollen, and there was a blood crusted bite mark on the corner where I probably fell and hit it hard with my teeth. My makeup was smeared from rubbing my eyes when I woke up and my nose was red and puffy from crying during my attack. Now, thanks to my awful appearance, I was crying again, not helping anything.

I guess he heard me crying, and got worried, because he tried turning the knob in a few times before asking if he could come in. I unlocked the door and he swung in, and came from behind me to look at what I was in the mirror.

"I'm so gross." I muffled my sob with a thick roll of toilet paper i wrapped continuously around my hand.

Austin shook his head and rubbed my shoulders, silently trying to relax me. Ugh, worst night, ever.

Alone Together. [An OM&M FanFic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz