Chapter 16: I hide men in my bathroom.

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I woke up to the constant sound of pounding on my door. I snapped up, my braid a mess and the sleep collected in the corners of my eyes itching my eyes. "Hannah! Are you ready?" Grandma was screaming on the other side of the door, turning the locked knob again and again, sounding like she was getting frustrated too.

I threw off the covers and ran to my closet, changing in a blur into what I picked out last night. After I bolted to my bathroom, calling out to my grandma. "Yeah! Just a second!" I started undoing my braid and pulling out my foundation, eyebrow fillers, and mascara, when I remembered Caleb was in my bed.

I shook out my hair and ran from the bathroom and over to the guy who was soundly snoring in my bed. "Caleb." I whispered urgently, shaking him. "Caleb get up, we're going to be late." I yanked the blanket off him that'd I'd let him borrow last night, and grabbed his legs, trying to yank him out of bed. "CALEB MY GRANDMA IS KNOCKING ON THE DOOR!" I hissed again, some random little drops of spit flinging out and hitting him on the cheek.

As he fell to the floor with a loud thud, his body wrenched around in a tangle on the floor and he woke up as if someone snapped their fingers in front of his face and it commanded him to. "What's going on?" He looked around crazily, until it all came back to him and he redirected his attention to the door. "Who is that?" He asked, whispering as well and looking up at me from his position on the floor.

"My grandma, now get in the bathroom, and QUIETLY wait for me so I can bring you something to wear." He nodded and dorkily crawled to the bathroom, I guess not being too smart to know he could've just gotten up and tip toed over there.

"Hannah?" Grandma was still trying to turn the knob, and so after I made sure Caleb had closed the bathroom door, I walked over with confidence to mine and opened it wide. "What took you so long?" She demanded, her breathing slightly labored.

"I was getting ready like I said." I turned and went to pack my backpack.

"Did you sleep in?" She asked, her voice still trying to sound angry, but I knew it was past her. She came in behind me and sat on the bed, watching me as I organized everything and threw the closed and clean backpack on the messy bed.

"Yeah, I guess I need to reset my alarm on my phone, it's been weird lately." I pulled my phone from the charger, and my iPod, and slid them into my pockets. I remembered Caleb was just sitting in my bathroom, well, hopefully he was just sitting in my bathroom, with noting to wear or do.  cleared my throat and walked over to my closet to get some clothes that I bought in a larger, boy section so wear as PJ's for him to try.

"What are you doing? I thought you were ready?"

"I'm second guessing my outfit."

"But you'll be really late if you change." She got up and started making my bed for me to speed things along. She knew I was hardheaded and if I felt the need to change, no matter how late I was, I'm going to change.

"It'll only be a minute." I promised as I grabbed a pair of pants that looked completely unfamiliar to me and stuffed them under the clothes and scurried to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and laid the pile of folded clothes on the bathroom counter and almost jumped form my skin at Caleb in the bathroom, trying to hide behind the sheer shower curtain.

"Hannah?" He questioned, looking me over and smirking. "What happened to Sam?"

I rolled my eyes, but inside I was panicking, of course I would be late this morning, be hiding a classmate, and get caught in a little white lie, all in the same morning. "I tell my Grandma to call me Hannah because the name Sam is too common." I lied, my words in a rushed sentence. "Now, try these on." I pointed to the options he had and turned on the bathroom fan to mute some of the sound.

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