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Running was my favorite thing to do, ever. But when you're running from someone, its not so fun anymore especially if you're running for life. Since you probably have no idea who I am or what I'm talking about let me start from the top.

My name is Annalee Selene, and the reason I'm running is because of bad people, for lack of a better word, who don't care about the people they harm or possibly kill. If they get in the way they won't hesitate to kill them.

These things have no soul, no conscience, and no emotion other than hatred and anger. They will stop at nothing to get what they want and what they want, is me.


(A/N: This is the first book I am writing so don't be too harsh, if you have any suggestions or any questions Comment below or message me. Also don't forget to vote and fan XD

Thanks a bunch


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