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Clutching her phone to her chest, Luna Irving stands in the line that leads into the club. Her breathing is fast and her hands are shaking slightly, but not from the cold. Everyone else here seems to have brought someone with them, but tonight she's alone. 

The line crawls forward, some groups entering the club and others not. The lights from the city are bright, flashing everywhere with music thumping through the ground indicating that tonight is a night for celebration. And it is. December 31, 2099, is the centennial new year's eve and everyone is out at a party.

Once at the door, the bouncer looks her up and down briefly before she shows him the screen of her phone, displaying her invitation and her identification. After he verifies it and scans her thumbprint, she's allowed inside the club.

By some miracle, it's quieter inside than outside. It's a classy joint, with older pop songs playing quietly in the background, women in black dresses and men in collared shirts. A few people sit at a bar, legs crossed and stirring their drink while conversing with their friend beside them. Others have gathered around booths, and the tiny dancefloor is void of dancers but instead filled with people standing with drinks in hand, talking to people around them. No one looks under thirty and Luna's heart sinks slightly. She had been hoping for a fun night when she received the invitation from Damon and not whatever it is she's standing in.

She can't see Damon from where she is standing. With a sigh, she hangs up her coat and starts making her way through the venue, occasionally making eye contact with a few people and smiling awkwardly. Then her heart almost stops for a second as she recognises someone. They're not anyone she knows personally, but she's seen her face on the back of one of her mother's books. And then Luna sees another one.

She's surrounded by famous researchers.

She lets out a small chuckle. Typical of Damon to get himself involved with this kind of crowd while at college. After realising this, she starts to recognise more and more people. Almost in awe of those around her, she continues to make her way through the crowd, becoming more and more confident. She knows almost everyone here through association or from her parents talking about them. 

Then everything goes black when someone covers her eyes from behind.

The touch is light and Luna can remove the hands with a single movement. She instantly recognises him with his rusty hair falling past his ears and sticking out in odd places; his blue eyes that are dark enough to disappear into his pupils; the warm tanned skin and a stupid grin on his face, expressing his happiness at seeing her. He's grown since they last saw each other and is nearly a head taller than her now.

"Damon," Luna says breathlessly. She's almost relieved to see him.


His grin doesn't fade and it's enough to bring one to her face.

"Long time no see," she says and he nods.

"Yeah. It's been a while."

That's an understatement. He's been in school all the time, rarely coming home for holidays and taking extra classes all summer. It's been at least a year since they've seen each other. And it's the first time it's been just them in six years.

"Here, come on," he takes her hand and pulls her across the room and to an unoccupied booth. "I'm glad you could come. I was worried since Matthew and Kadiya were busy tonight and I'd be stuck at this thing without anyone to save me from some boring conversation."

"You'd rather be somewhere else?" she asks and he nods.

"But it's quieter here at least. Honestly, though, I'd rather be in my dorm when the ball drops. But the guidance counsellor suggested I go to this thing to do some networking. I mean, there are brilliant minds are here tonight, but..." he trails off. "Am I boring you?"

Luna shakes her head. "No. I'm just glad to see you again."

He laughs quietly. "Same here. You know, if I hadn't gotten your RSVP, I wouldn't have come tonight."

"Why not?"

He shrugs and scowls slightly. "No point, honestly."

"What do you mean?" Luna's eyebrows shoot up. "Damon, you do know who's here, right? Don't you recognise Doctor Federer?" She points to the woman she first noticed. "She's a brilliant neurologist!"

It is Damon's turn to raise his eyebrows. "You know Doctor Federer?"

Luna blushes. "Not personally, but Mom loves her research."

He cracks another grin. "I can introduce you if you want. I'm sure Ember would enjoy the story."

"No, it's fine. Brains aren't my thing."

"You know the first time I came to one of these things," Damon leans in closer to talk, "Everyone wanted a copy of my brain scan, or at least to arrange a session to interview me."

"Quite the celebrity, mister Ophia," Luna jokes, which elicits a chuckle from Damon.

"Kadiya too. Tonnes of people telling us things like, 'I knew your parents', or 'It's great to see Eliot and Taryn's children all grown up. They would have been proud of you', etcetera, etcetera." He waves it off and rolls his eyes slightly at the memory.

Luna just nods. He's different in more ways than one now. He's more comfortable in his own skin as well as with everyone. Six years out in the real world changed him. Luna likes it. He's more confident and happier now and the neuro enhancers don't seem to be bothering him as much.

"So, you still in school?" she asks and he nods.

"Yep. Trying to get through the thesis for my Ph.D.," he laughs. "Not as easy as it looks."

"I would imagine."

"You're graduating this year, right?" he says and she nods. "I'll be there for the ceremony."

Luna smiles to herself.

They continue talking throughout the night, ordering drinks, catching up, exchanging stories and begrudgingly speaking to a few professors. It's not how Luna had wanted to spend the centennial, but she's glad she accepted the invite from Damon.

And within what feels like seconds, they've started the countdown to midnight.

Ten... nine... eight...

Damon holds her hand in his and they each have a glass of champagne in the other. They're back in their booth without anyone else interrupting them.

Four... three... two...

Before the last second, he leans in and whispers in her ear, "Happy new year, Luna."

She's taken back, but his expression is sincere and compassionate. There's a shout as the date changes, but neither of them joins in with the celebration. Instead, their eyes are locked on each other's. Hazel and blue.

Like their first kiss, he's the one to initiate it.

At the look of pure shock on her face, he quickly apologises.

"I-I'm so sorry. I don't know when we fell apart, but I didn't like it. I just wanted to-"

And like their first kiss, she returns it.

"Don't worry about it," Luna smiles at him. He's blushing deeply but smiling back. "Happy new year, Damon."

The Wrong SideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon