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We walked into the book store that Mikey still worked at after Gerard had left for college. It was quiet, like most times, and it only held six other customers that I've seen so far.

"Gerard?" A female voice said.

He turned and smiled at a girl. She had wide open eyes, a pixie black haircut and the usual green and brown uniform. "Eliza! Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good! I got into cosmetology school!"

"I told you, you would!" He exclaimed happily. They hugged each other tightly before letting go.

Frank and I were ignored, so we went to search for Mikey who pushed a cart around, putting books back in their places. "I'm gonna look at some books." Frank said beside me.

I nodded and kept walking towards the skinny boy. "Mikes, when do you get off?"

"HOLY SHIT!" He yelped holding a book close to his chest. Noticing that some customers looked at him, he lowered his voice. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry, so what time?"

He sighed, "I have lunch at one and I get off at five, why?"

I smiled brightly, "We're going to get breakfast that's why. It's twelve-thirty, we'll wait around for you."

"Ok, but nothing so time consuming. It's a thirty-five minute break."

Saluting him, I went to find Gerard. I looked around, searched up and down the isles until I found him sitting near the end corner of the store next to the unopened boxes of novels. I sat next to him, laying my head on his shoulder and read the book he had in his hands.

"...everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." I read out loud.

"Genius, isn't it?" Gerard said. "The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath... I think I'm gonna buy it."

"Well you got... Fifteen minutes before we have to go." I said looking at my watch.

"Let's go, hopefully I still get discounts."

He got up and then helped me. Holding my hand, we walked up to where the girl named Eliza stood behind the cash register. "Ready to check out?" She said.

"Yup, yup!" Gerard said smiling.

She rung him up and slid the book along with the receipt into the bag. She handed him the bag and leaned over the counter to hug him. "I put my number in there. Call me up for that coffee." She said winking at him.

Gerard hugged her back and nodded. "I'll get to it."

Mikey and Frank came up next to us, waiting for the next move. "So, I'm craving pancakes." Mikey stated.

I shrugged, looking at the remaining two. "Yea, let's go that one store near here."

"You mean Denny's?"

"Is that what it is?"

"Yea," Gerard replied. We followed him out the store and blocked the sun from going into our eyes. "I heard the guy ordered chicken soup and as he was nearly finished he saw a dead roach in it."

"That's so disgusting!" Mikey yelped. "Don't say shit like that when we're about to eat there, asshole!"

Gerard laughed at him, nudging his shoulder a bit. Frank walked behind the pair alongside me. I smiled at the childlike brothers, but I was still upset about my situation.

I had a hole in my heart that I could feel expand with hurt and hatred with the name Lucas Colombo on it.
What does Riley have that I don't?
Was she much more interesting? Is it because she's talented and pretty?

Or is it because Lucas regretted having me be born?

I've should've been aborted.

"Yo, Wyatt, are you listening?"

He doesn't want a loner for a daughter.

"-not paying attention."

How can you be part of a family if you're not worth the time?

"Wyatt? You alright?"

My chest became heavy. Don't think. I breathed in and out to calm myself. I could feel someone shaking me, trying to get my attention. Don't think. My vision was blurred and wet. I could feel my body tremble as my temperature rose, making me feel hot.

I felt warm hands cupping my cheeks. I could feel myself calm down, my sight becoming clearer now. The silhouette soon turned to Frank's face in front in mine, choose enough to see the speckled iris of brown in his eyes.

"There you go, you okay? You dazed out and walked into a pole." He asked running one of his hands through my hair.

I nodded after he let me go. His warm hands no longer holding me made me feel worse. "S-sorry, I-I don't know why-" I started to whisper, stopping after comprehending that I didn't need to explain myself. "Thank you."

Frank nodded, stepping away from me. "No need, like I told you before." He shrugged.

"So Gerard got us a table." Mikey said running towards us after him and Gerard decided to go ahead of Frank and I. He handed Frank a glass of water and looked at me. "Are you ok? It looks like it hurts."

Frank handed me the glass, watching as I drank from it. "I'm all good. I don't know why it happened." I lied.

"Cool, well let's go. I got a few left before I go back to work." With that he walked away, leaving Frank and I alone.

"What are you craving?"

"I'm craving an omelet but then I so want some waffles, you?"

"The same thing actually. What if we each pick one thing and share?"

"I'm good with that. I got enough for the both of us." I said.

Frank rolled his eyes. "I knew you would've said that so now I get to take you out two times."

He held the door open for me. We walked inside and headed towards the Way's after spotting them near the window.

We ate and the guys talked until we all had to go. Mikey left to the direction of his job and Gerard and Frank decided to go to Blockbuster after talking about their favorite action movie. I parted my own way and headed to the Colombo household.

I wanted to talk to my father. I wanted to spend time with him in order for him to think that I was also worth it. To make him see that I too had talent.

I just wanted to be near him to see if something would change.

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