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After the Iero's finished their desserts, we took our little party of four to the slightly clean living room I had working rapidly on before.

My mother and Linda washed and put away dishes as Frank and I cleaned the table. While both of our mothers talked away, Frank and I finished the table. We stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say after the horrible and very personal conversations our mothers brought up.

I had learned many personal things about Frank that I wished I found out in a different situation as he had learned about me. He was caught with his hand down his pants watching his old next door neighbor change. His mother had walked in, screaming when she saw what he was doing. Linda's yell frightened the lady next door, causing her to screech and well, you know how that talk went.

Frank learned about my bed wetting situations that lasted up until I was ten. And that wasn't something I wanted anyone to know. Not even the Way's knew.

Over all, Linda and Grace kinda ruined the atmosphere that Frank and I once shared a few hours ago.

"Wyatt, show Frank around the house, I'll give Linda a tour in a few."

I mentally screamed inside. I wanted to die. "Sure, uhh, follow me. I'll show you what technically looks like your house."

"Don't be smart." My mother said.

Linda laughed "Don't worry, Grace. I like witty."

I sent my mother a look and started to walk throughout the house with Frank behind me. "This is the bathroom that we leave open during parties. We lock our bathrooms because people tend to be very messy and disgusting."

Frank laughed looking inside the bathroom. "We never really have parties, so I haven't experienced that."

"You're lucky," I said moving on to the next room. I opened the door and led him inside the basement. He looked around and stopped when he noticed my piano. "Do you play?" He asked.

I gave him a small smile. "Occasionally."

He nodded and kept looking until he stopped once again. His eyes bulged when he saw the wall of comics. Frank hurried walked towards and scanned all of the titles. His fingers grazed each book spline, making a soft noise. "Are these yours?"

I shook my head and walked up to him. "No, I hardly read them. They belong to Gerard, he has more at his house but what he can fit stays here. These are the ones he reads the most when he stays the night." I said pointing the the section on the right. "And those, well he hasn't gotten to them." I said motioning towards the left.

Frank nodded and he whistled. "Your boyfriend has an impressive collection."

I stared at Frank speechless. Noticing that I was staring, he turns towards me, waiting for me to say something. As he's about to ask a question, I start hysterically laughing.

"Did I... Do something?"

I keep laughing, until I notice that he was genuinely confused considering I never told him about who Gerard was. "No, I just... We're not... I-"

"Sorry, I just assumed." He said apologetically.

"Don't sweat it." I said. I looked at the watch around my wrist and clap my hands. "Right, so let's keep this train going."

We walked up to the first level and then to the back of the house. I reached the door to my room and put my hand on the door nob. "Since you're my neighbor," I started. I turned to look at him as he lazily leaned on the wall. "You may spend sometime in my room."

He turned red, trying to cough away his blush. Realizing what I said, I quickly added to what I said. "To hang out, umm... Just... You'll understand with time. But come on in, it's messy, but nevertheless, it's my home from home."

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