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New York, 2011

Red Dawn sat in his chair, drinking a cup of hot coffee. He rubbed his chin. The stubble felt good on his sore hands. He looked over at a group of boys chained to the wall. He chuckled and stood up. He walked over to them as they cowered in fear.

"You boys might finally have a girl to talk to. She'd be a fine addition to our... family" he grinned, his sharp canines flashing.

One of the boys, and Indian boy, stepped forwards. "You can not harm them. I saw in my dream that they will defeat you. And remember, my dreams never lie" he said in his thick Indian accent.

"Well, I said that you boys should, as they say, dream on." Red Dawn laughed darkly as one of the boys, a younger one, started to cry.

Red Dawn looked at the boy and snapped. The boy looked up, tears staining his cheeks. "I wanna go home" the boy whimpered.

"You can go home. Only if you give up your power to me. You can't use it right, can you? I can teach you, if you'll allow me to use it for a bit"

"Really?" the kid wiped away some of the tears. The boys started stirring. They all knew what happened if the power was taken by Red Dawn.

"O-okay. You can use my power" the kid told Red Dawn. Red Dawn touched the kid's forehead and the kid turned pale white, like a ghost. Red Dawn licked his lips and grinned. "Thank you. Now I can get all of your powers." he blinked and his eyes turned a deathly green with black swirls in them. "I have all of your powers now"

Then, Red Dawn turned and grabbed the kid, whose blood was returning to his skin. He leaned down and gazed into the kid's eyes. He thought what he wanted the kid to do and blinked. His eyes returned to normal. The kid had blank eyes and nodded slowly. The kid sat down. He didn't move.

Quebec, Canada

Saix stood in her room, her eyes staring at her friend, Vikki. Saix shut her eyes and concentrated. Vikki watched in surprise as Saix's long black curls vanished, and then her entire body. Saix was gone.

"Woah! How did you do that?" Vikki asked, her Irish accent ringing across the seemingly empty room.

Saix reappeared. "I dunnow. One day I was walking down the street, the next, wham! I was invisible." Saix also had an accent- a half-Scottish one. She'd been in Quebec so long her accent was starting to fade.

Vikki looked at the door, and stood up. "You know, I can do something too." She told her.

"Really? Let me see it."

Vikki nodded and hesitated before grabbing a blindfold and putting it over her eyes. "Throw something at me, anything."

Saix grabbed a stapler and threw it at Vikki. Vikki leapt into the air and flew down and grabbed the stapler and slammed the stapler in the ceiling.

Vikki floated back down and untied the blindfold. The light stung her eyes for a bit, but she got used to the light. The more she used her power, she realized, the more the light stung.

"You can see without eyes and fly!"

"Yeah, I'm like part bat, or something."

"That explains the big ears" Saix chuckled.

"Oi!" Vikki's face turned a shade of red. She looked at the door and realized that Saix's dad was standing in the doorway. He'd seen Vikki do her bat thing.

"Get out" he said.


"Dad!" Saix exclaimed.

"I said, get OUT!"

Vikki cried out and leaped out of the window, flying away into Quebec's dark evening.

"Dad! She was my friend! You have no right!"

"Your friend is a freak. She can not be allowed near us."


"No buts. We're moving. Again"

"Dad!" Saix yelled and shoved him. "I'm not leaving!"

"Oh yes you are. Pack your things. We leave tonight."

At exactly midnight, Vikki flew back into Saix's old house and landed in her room. It was totally empty. Her eyes welled up. "She left me. " she punched the wall, blood pouring from her knuckles. "She left me."

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