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Boston, 2013

Kolber sat, watching the twins test their powers. He saw David merge his cat with other objects, and he saw Claire turn her cat into a man. He leaned forwards, catching sight of something in the wall. He zoomed in, and saw that it was a different security camera, not one of his. He picked up his phone and called someone.

"I found another camera," he stated, his voice gruff,"in Parker's wall. I think he's watching them too."

He paused, listening to the voice on the other end of the line. "I'll be there right away." He hung up the phone and stood up.

New York, 2013

David heard the doorbell ring. He sighed. Probably one of Claire's friends. He picked up Fargo and stroked her feathers. She squawked indignantly. He chuckled. The squawking would never get old. He wanted to see her fly, so he took her outside, passing Sebastian as he went.

He stood outside, and put Fargo on the ground. Instead of flying, she just sat on her tail and started grooming herself. David groaned. "Fly you stupid cat!" he yelled, and Fargo leapt into the air, and hovered for a minute and squawked again as she lost balance and fell on the ground.

"Hey, doofus. What's that you got there? Is it for us?"

"Yeah, is it?" two kids, Martin and Gabriel, sauntered up. Martin was big and strong. He had a skull tattoo on his shoulder, while Gabriel was shorter, with mean-looking eyes. They called themselves David's personal bullies.

"It's none of your business, losers" David picked up Fargo and hid her under his shoulder.

"Is he calling us losers? Aww, that's cute. And what happened to your hair?" Gabriel chuckled.

"Yeah, cute" Martin grunted.

"Just leave me alone" David told them.

"If by alone, you mean, us up and personal kicking your stupid ass, then yes, we will" Martin crossed his arms. Gabriel cracked his knuckles and glared at David.

"I mean alone as in you two running off."

"That ain't gonna happen, Parker. Gabe, will you?"

"Yeah" Gabriel ran at David.

David dodged, dropping Fargo and ended up next to Martin, who slugged him in the chest. He grabbed a fistful of Martin's shirt and held him out in front, where Gabriel ran into. They pressed David to the ground, and then both got off of him. David stood up and glared at the boys.

"You can't hurt us." Martin said, sounding a bit hurt.

"Oh yeah?" David acted on an impulse and grabbed both boys. He pressed them together. They merged, and out came one single boy.

The boy was now short, but strong and mean looking. He yelled out and found his voice was like Gabriel's, dark, rough, and stupid sounding. David didn't know what happened to their minds, but it looked like the mind had merged, thoughts and memories colliding, causing a huge mess.

"What the? Parker, what'd you do? I feel... stupid" he said. "I'm telling mom!"

David panicked. If anyone found out what he could do, they'd lock him up and study him like an animal. He grabbed the new boy, and ran to the tree in his front yard. He merged the two and the boy's face was suddenly in the tree, covered with bark.

"I'll get you, Parker. You'll regret this"

David started shaking. He couldn't just merge anything, people would worry. With Martin and Gabriel missing, the police would get involved. And his cat, if she got out, she'd be locked up.

"Wait, where's Fargo?" he exclaimed. His heart started pounding. Fargo was nowhere to be seen. She must've run off. "No!" he yelled, punching the face in the tree.

"Ow!" the kid said.

Inside, Claire was talking with Sebastian.

"So, um, you needed to talk to me?" he asked her.

"Oh, yeah, right" she chuckled.


"Oh- well... I like you. Like, as in like like."

Sebastian paused. Claire began to worry, so she changed his memory into liking her too. As she did so, fondness crept into his eyes. "Yeah, I like you too. But, my friends don't like you."

"Forget your friends" she said, and changed his memories of his friends into just being her.

"Yeah, what was I talking about? I don't have any friends." The necklace that was given to him by his friends vanished.

"So... you want to go on a date with me? On Friday?" Claire asked him.

"But I have football practice that night."

"No you don't. You aren't even on the football team." Claire changed his memories from him being on the football team, to him being on the cheerleading team, and that practice was on Thursday nights.

"Oh yeah. I must've forgotten," he said. "Silly me. But yeah, we can. I'd love to know your loving side."

"So, see you Friday, at the movies?"

"Yeah, sure thing" he got in his car and drove away.

Claire sat on the sofa. She just made his life completely change. He thinks he's on the cheerleading team. What will the girls think? She put her hands on her eyes and took a deep breath.

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