Chapter 5: Or even worse

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As she braced herself for the blow she was gonna get, the guy entered, the room was dark so, she couldn't see him properly. He spoke in a velvety voice while looking for the light switch "Hey, I am your roommate Vik-"
He couldn't complete as he tripped over one of his scattered suitcases,
"Ow! Fuck, next time, I should make sure to put my things in proper places, where the hell did the switch, there you go! Hi"
As the lights illuminated the room and as the guy's face became clear, Sasha's eyes popped out and then everything went black.
When she woke up, her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, she was in her bed, tucked under the bed sheet, she knew who did that but, that guy was nowhere in sight. He was gone. The other part of the room was absolutely empty, no mess, no suitcases, nothing! She couldn't believe that she had managed to lose the only guy she ever loved, AGAIN!
{2 and a half years back}
Sasha was amazed at her granny's words. She didn't want a tuition class! What the hell? She wasn't one of the failures who had to take classes to get marks.
"Beta (Indian term of endearment), there is no point in staying at average marks, if you don't strengthen your base right now, how will you manage to do science in the future? You seem to hate biology."
That was true, she always wanted to become an engineer, but, for a back up option she had to take Biology. She loved science, but, hated the fact that biology had to be taken to keep 'other career options open'.
Sasha's granny had a friend who taught biology, and... That's it. It was decided within a few days, her class timing, her subjects and her tuition centre, much to her disappointment.
Within a few days, it was time for her first class, though she was annoyed with the fact that she was going to become one of those 'tuition going people' she decided to give it a chance. She met her teacher who was surprisingly sweet and not uptight like the usual biology teachers. She found her first class fun, now, she looked forward to more such classes.
One day, she had to go to her teacher's house, where she took the classes, a bit early, she used to go for individual classes but this time, she wasn't alone, there was someone else, already taking the class, a boy. She went inside, feeling a bit awkward, not being used to people sitting around her when she asked her teacher random and stupid questions. But, as she sat, he greeted her with a smile, and that SMILE could even make the stones melt.... She was dazed, she finally noticed him, his eyes, his jawline, the slight stubble lining his cheeks, his cute dimples when he smiled, she knew that she was in love with all of them, then and there.
Her teacher came, snapping her out of her trance and told her to solve some questions which were related to the previous topic and left. Her heart jumped like a crazy walrus when she realised that she finally had time to make conversation with him.
"Hey, new here?"
"Yeah, today's my first class"
"Ohh, okay, biology?"
"Nah, physics, chemistry and math also."
She chuckled slightly " Woah! That's too much! Okay."
Even he chuckled "Yeah, I know"
At that point she realised that his voice was the sexiest thing she had ever heard.
"So, what's your name?"
"Vikram and yours?"
He couldn't complete when her teacher came back
"Vikram, your class is over, practice these questions at home once more."
With his class, she thought the time of her happiness was over too.
As he got up to leave, she couldn't help her eyes which were drifting at his height and his muscles! Gosh!
That day passed with her having amazing dreams about him.
The next few weeks were very boring, she didn't see him because her time was somewhere in the evening and his was somewhere in the afternoon.
Suddenly, one day, she went for an extra class, which was along with his batch. She blushed when he entered combing back the stray locks that were falling on his eyes with his hands. He was surprised to see her and smiled. Ohh, how she missed that smile.
Nothing much happened in the class till the time her teacher left to answer a phone call, that's when she heard one of her batch mates whisper to Vikram
"Vikram, nice way to study, mate!"
She looked up and found him staring at her, he blushed, so did she, but, keeping her attitude alive, she asked him what the problem was by raising her eyebrows, he nodded in a nothing and kept blushing.
Her heart fluttered at his dimples and his charm.
It was about a month since her last encounter with Vikram, she was almost over him until she met him again one evening, her class was over and she was just closing her books when he entered, she couldn't believe her eyes. After repeated interrogation with her friends she got to know that he had changed his group and now was going to come at this time.
She couldn't believe her ears and couldn't thank her Lord enough. That day she reluctantly left, not forgetting to pass a smile at him (their every time ritual).
The next day, she didn't even realise how the day went by and before she could realise, she was 'getting ready' for her class. She mostly open eyed slept through the class waiting, for the other batch to come. She decided to sit through the next class also with an excuse to do self study. She waited for him to come... But, he didn't. Every time the door opened, her heart skipped a beat, she immediately looked in that direction but, it always turned out to be somebody else. Her heart sank, it had been 20 minutes since she had been waiting. She had never felt worse in her life, she felt utterly sad and morose. But, suddenly the door opened and he walked in, combing the stray locks that fell on his eyes with his hand and suddenly, at that moment she couldn't feel happier. Her heart fluttered like a butterfly. She couldn't control the smile that stretched across her face. They performed their daily ritual of smiling at each other, this time with a different type of intensity.

Just seeing him once became her reason to live, it became her elixir.
A/N: Hey guys, did you like this chapter? Let me know through your comments!
Cheeks <3

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