Chapter 18: A Letter

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Julie had gone back to the dormitories once they were allowed to, and she was the only one up in Gryffindor tower, apart from the first and second years, who weren't allowed to stay after midnight. She sat down on her bed and looked at her sister's bed. She remembered the October thirty-second thing again, and felt bad for forgetting in the first place. As she gazed at Olive's bed she saw a letter on her pillow. On the outside was written in a beautiful blue italic 'Olive'. Julie knew she wasn't allowed to read it, but before she could think she'd opened the envelope and was reading the letter.

Lovely Olive,
I know I said that you and I can not be together, and I know you know why. But I won't let us remember this night as 'that night we had a strictly prohibited kiss' but as 'that night we decided that it doesn't matter'.

Julie frowned and read on, when it clicked.

When you and I were in the forest, and I saw that Thestral, I knew there was something about you. I'd like to see you one last time, just to talk.

This letter was Julie's. He'd thought he'd kissed Olive, instead of herself.

Therefore, tomorrow night, I will be in the Forbidden Forest, awaiting you so I can talk to you. I know that what we do is frowned upon by many, but I need to see you.
I hope to see you there.

Julie bit her lip as she stared at his name signed at the bottom. She did want to remember this night as good, not bad. She folded the letter and shoved it in her trunk under her four-poster and got changed in her pajamas. She closed the curtains and lied down, and sighed.

After a while of sleep Julie woke up because of loud talking. "A-And then, right, then he kissed me. S-straight on the lips!" The first voice belonged to Lily.

"Alright Lily, you're clearly very drunk. Who spiked that Butterbeer?" Olive said. There was a pause, and Olive's voice lowered. "D'you think she's asleep?" She whispered only just loud enough for Julie to hear. Julie didn't say anything. "I think she's asleep, let's just be quiet so she doesn't wake up. I'm still angry at her but I'm not going to be rude about it." She said.

"Okay!" Lily near-yelled. "No, Olive can't we go outside! I want to go back to Potter, he was very sweet to me." She yelled.

"No, Lily, you are going to regret that. Why don't you just go to sleep, There's something I have to do."

Now Julie was awake. She waited until Lily was quiet - probably in bed - and the dorm door opened again, then closed. She opened her curtain and slipped out of bed quietly, seeing Lily fast asleep. She left the dorm and descended the stairs, as she saw Olive leave the common room, while McGonagall was telling them that the "party's over, time to sleep". Julie got to the portrait hole without being seen and went outside. Olive was still in sight, going around the corner. Julie followed her quietly.

Olive walked down the stairs and started to make way to the library, to Julie's great surprise. The thing was, Olive didn't like to read that much. Of course, she read an occasional book for school or because a boy she liked had recommended it, but never did she read 'just for fun'. So Julie wondered why on earth Olive was going to the library, especially at this time of night.

The library door was shut, and there was no librarian around, Julie knew, yet Olive pushed open the door casually. Julie waited until the door was nearly shut again, but not quite, to slip in too.

Olive was scanning the shelves, and not just any shelves, the shelves that bore the fictional books. Olive picked out a neat leatherbound book and tiptoed to the reading corner, where she dropped down and started reading. It was then that Julie cleared her throat.

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